ID: 21940756

Unit 5 Languages Around the World Reading and Thinking课件(共23张,内嵌视频)人教版(2019)必修第一册

日期:2024-12-19 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:25次 大小:13121244B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Book 1 Unit 5 Language Around the World Reading and thinking Have you ever imagined a world without language Act and Guess Activity 1 :Can you guess what they mean picture-based symbols 鱼 鹿 牛 人 大 子 止 simplified Chinese characters 马 Topic _____ Focus _____ _____ the Chinese writing system importance/ function history/ development Predict ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ _____ of the Chinese writing system _____ to the topic _____ of the Chinese writing system The development/history The importance The introduction Read quickly and divide the passage into three parts. Reading Read para.1 and summarize the main idea of the whole passage. Summary: _____ is one of the main _____ why China's ancient civilization has survived into modern times. factors The Chinese writing system Part 1 China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into modern times, despite the many ups and downs in its history. There are many reasons why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese Writing System. Style Analyze What’s the writing style of the text Narration (记叙文) Argumentation (议论文) Exposition (说明文) Description (描写文) To tell a story To describe sb./sth. To convince sb. of one’s views To explain sth. Brainstorm Look at the title and picture . Predict what the text is about. The text may be about the Chinese writing system and its history from ancient times to the present day. Activity2:Skimming for main ideas The Chinese writing system is one of the reasons why Chinese civilization has continued all the way through into modern times. Written Chinese was a pictured-based language at the beginning. The writing system became well-developed, and later developed into different forms. Para 2 Para 3 Para 1 Para 5 Para 6 Para 4 The writing system began to develop in one direction. Written Chinese connects China’s present with its past, and has become an art form. The Chinese language is helping to spread China’s culture and history to the world. Scan the text to find the words and phrases that describe a time. 02 Scanning Find out the key words! The passage is organized in the order of . Read para.1 and summarize the main idea of the whole passage. Summary: _____ is one of the main _____ why China's ancient civilization has survived into modern times. factors The Chinese writing system Part 1 China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into modern times, despite the many ups and downs in its history. There are many reasons why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese Writing System. In the Qin Dynasty Between the Shang and the Qin Dynasty By the Shang Dynasty Several thousand years ago Today Took on different forms according to geographical division. Developed in one direction with the union of seven major states. Part 2 Picture-based symbols carved on an ... ...

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