ID: 21952389

广东省汕头市潮阳区联堤中学 2024-2025学年上学期中考英语第一次练兵考试试卷(PDF版,含答案、听力原文及音频)

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:47次 大小:23399113B 来源:二一课件通
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    听力材料 听第七段对话,可答第13~15小题 2024年广东省初中学业水平考试 M:What happened lo you Why do you look so angry 英语预测卷(-) W:I'm angry with Leo.He always spends many hours on the computer,but not enough time on his schoolwork. 一·听说应用 M:Oh.that's too bad. 4.听句子 W:And teacher told me that he failed his exam. 诗根据乐听内袋,选f符合赵意的图画川举问,并M1:Why don'you stop him: 将最户选顺的子学辩号填与布题号前的后号内:每个向于 W:I have tricd,but it didn't work.You are his uncle.Could 听肉遍: you have a talk with him 1.Some clever dngs can work for the police. M:Well,I will have a try. 2.An ice-cream factory was huilt near my home .听短文 3.I have lo wear iny while shocs lo the sports inceting today 请根据斯内容,从排小题所给的三个选项巾选 4.I have a headache and have to stay in hed. 个城生答袭,并将其字母升号填越号前的括号内:短 5.We can watch the dragon boat races in Junc. 文听施 B,听对话 Good morning.cveryone Now I'd like to introduce somc 诘根据好段对f的内容巨签正.从炉小题所款的三of our school activities next month,n November,we are 个选项中选,个最生客埃,并诗其字丹编号填写在E号oing to have the English Festival.Next Friday on the5th,wc 前的后号内。每段发所听两遍: are going to watch a famous cartoon Journev to ihe West.Afier 听第一议对灯,川悴第6小题。 that,Reading Day is on the IJth.Then from the 15th to the w:Ili,Kangkang.Where is your hometown 17th we will have an English Singing Compctition.You will M:Wuhan.It's a fantastic place.The weather is special and enjoy many beautilul English songs.Then on the alicrnoon of the foud is dlelicious. the 23rd,there will be an English Writing Competition.On the 听第一段对沂.落第了小题 same day,we'll watch a called y Dr All the W:Alex,whcre is your mom aclors are liom hc school acting club.And then on the last M:She is cooking in the kitchen. day of this can enjoy a funny film.I hopc all of you can learn something uselul through these colorlul 听第=别舌,回答第8小题。 activitics. W:D)o you often do sports,Jack ),听填信息 M:Yes,alruost cvery day.Ping-pong is my lavorile. 你将听卸·圳火丁于保拧时的介貂。诮你根据乐听内 听第四段对沂.疼第9小题. 容点与下而的信总卡。短文听两遍 W:Hi,Tony!What Jid you do last night Welcome to our hculth progrim.Today we're going to M:I watched a movie.It was really funny talk ahout how to protect our eyes.Nowadays.many of us get 听第五段剐活.回答第10小感 cyc problcrns.That's becausc we don't usc our cyes in correct W:Dad,can I go out for a walk ways.And here's some advicc. M:OK!Rernember to lake an unbrella in cas it's rainy. We can't stare at.the screen of a 'I'v,a computer nr a 听第六段对买,川举第小一2小题。 smartphone tor a long time.Every 20 minutes,we should stop W:David,would you like to help me do the cleaning to lonk at.something far away.And we are supposed to wear M:Yes,Cirandma. sunglasses when we are out in lhe sun.We'd belter not reud in w:Thank yon,dear.Yon can tidy up the living room first. the sun.It is ha ... ...

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