2024年东脊中学业水半考试英语领测卷(一) 〔什间:0分拉满分:120分) 一、听说应用:本顺共训小顺,小颗1分,共0分;、 听邻:段别活,而等第13]5小 乃、门、D部分为所.吐剂,下部分为式为后 ()13.Whicl schcks is 1laku pruhably sludying in A,听句子本越只5小越,行小题1分,共:5分) A.A junior high school. 请根批所听内容:头样符合些意的画阿咨问边,并将装 B.A snior high school. 什远项的字行编片写更少前的括少方:个名,了树遍。 C.A tcachers'college. (1.Which subjact is meniancd by the spxcaker )14.Whal does llelen want t he alier linishing college C A.A coach.B.A doctor.C.A ccacher. 台日快安 1+1=2 )15.How will Hcken make her drcam come uue A.She will find parl-limk:jah lirst. B.She will go lo a village school first. (2.Whal compelition did Lisa win yeskerday C.She will go to a tcachers'college tirst ir A. C.听短文〔木越业5小些,家小题1分:川5分 邹 我 河根斯明内奔.从小E骆作个远项巾远非个最 什弈,护将其字丹绵5写在:期前的后内。文听 (3.Which sign may che spcaker sce 两时: 的 ()l6,hen will they go for小hu:ip A.To the llappy「为r. B.'To the mountains :4.Where will they play basketball C.To an okl man's houy:. )17.Who will Iah them k>makc kites A.A farmer.B.An rk man.C'.Mr.Zhane. )18.when will chey mect the local school students 吊 A.On Monday.B.On Tuesduy.C.On Thurslay. 19.WhaL will make them feel relaxed A.Sitring on the grass B.Picking vegctables C.Hawi吗ps1y )20).Ilow many sludentx will be in a giu D.听对话〔术越状10小匙,症小题1分,火10行 A.Four. B.Five. 根妆4政讯的内容而容问,从母小煦听溶的三个花 C.Six. 苦 项巾选出个最牛芥采,并将其字丹缤浊亏在既少前的括少 D.听填信总木边具5小通,河小些1分,火5分) 语听·嘶关丁芳动之星的介:诗你h所「听内容填 内:红段对斯均湿 「听第翌对后,回容第6小越 写下山的汽只卡:文听刈避: (6.Who will clcan up the park A Labor Star A.Jim. B.TonY. (Lucy. Narnc:1i「.i 「叮所第二翌对后,口容第?小越 Age:21. years old t氵7,h're is lhe wunan going Experiences: 拉 A.Io the storc. When he wus wen,he made u 22 for B.To the cineina. his mm. 溶 C..To Ihe reslauranl lle wa eleven when he inadle his lirsl ineal. 听第装对,山浴第8小这 ■lle has his cown23. shows on the【nternet (8.What docs lohn probably clo tHs1 om and dad usually2斟 his food. A.A leacher. B.A worker. (.A dlriver. ·He is roully25 that he can help arounl 听所第四娑对片,口挥第小感 The:house Ihrsugh his hahhy. (9.Haw may the girl fcel now .情景对话「本面共5小题,小题】分,共5分】 A.Lonely. B.'Iired. C.Excited. 诗消谋下道对话,友据方容,从方批内书洗旷巾法出 封 第改为对后,容约?小」 能填人空H沙的发选项、开,其世甜号在横线,法 氵I0.hl.the hay m:n 项巾行·顶为多余选匠, A.He docsn't like bike ridling at ull. A.Can you help me with it B.He can cxercisc by riding his bike. B.I'm having,1rouhle with it. (Ife sunuetinies goes t stlxsl by hike 听第八没对片,口容第12小赵, C.L am going to finish it tonight. (11.what color is the kitchen D.How abour sccing a movic togcther on Saturday A.Brown. B.(ircen. C.Ycllow E.I think it's very casy for me. i12.Whal does the huuse kk like now P.1]aeys加dme tha ... ...
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