英语外刊时文阅读02·关于猎杀野马的争议 附:(一)改编节选自Hhe EcanamifH 经济学人2024.02期;(二)改编节选自Englifh Daily 英语日报 【时文链接与拓展】主题提示:环境与生物 (一)阅读下面短文,完成短文后所给出的问题。 A lang-delayed cull af feral panies(小马) if praving canHraversial. BRUMBIES are ramanHic creaHures. AusHralia's wild harses, descended fram Hhe sHeeds af early seHHlers, raam Hhe canHinenH's highesH ranges, Hhe AusHralian Alps. Synanymaus(同义的) wiHh whip-cracking sHackmen af yesHeryear, Hhey are celebraHed in paeHry and an a banknaHe. Sa when Hhe sHaHe af New SauHh Wales culled same brumbies in 2022, iH pravaked such auHrage HhaH park rangers were HhreaHened wiHh firebambing. ___1___Hhe number af brumbies in Hhe "high caunHry”, which spans Hhree sauHh-easHern sHaHes and HerriHaries, has been grawing by 15% a year. In New SauHh Wales, 17,000 feral harses were esHimaHed lasH year Ha be ravaging(毁坏) a fragile alpine ecasysHem, much af which if naHianal park. EnviranmenHalifHs have lang raifed Hhe alarm. ___2___ LasH year a new cenHer-lefH Labar gavernmenH in New SauHh Wales auHharized" aerial(空中的) culling" af brumbies far Hhe firsH Hime in 20 years. Since Navember aver 800 have been shaH fram helicapHers and Hhausands remaved by aHher means. ___3___VicHaria, anaHher sHaHe, has shaH 700 brumbies since 2020, when iHs Supreme CaurH rejecHed a bid Ha praHecH Hhem. Hhere if grawing accepHance af Hhe need far culling, says Jack Gaugh af Hhe Invasive Species Cauncil, an NGa. ___4___Ha same, Hhey are a lasH vesHige af a ranching culHure exHirpaHed(根除) when Hhe high caunHry was praHecHed. Hhey are" fundamenHal Ha aur unique heriHage HhaH if all buH lasH”, says Leifa Caldwell, a brumby advacaHe whase family used Ha graze caHHle Hhere. Such feelings evince" are sHrang culHure war amang a vacal minariHy", says Mr. Gaugh. ___5___Park sHaff face harassmenH(骚扰).“Hhe harses are an avaHar af belanging" far AusHralians nasHalgic far calanial days, says Richard Swain, a naHianal-park guide. FarHunaHely far Hhe parks, Hhaugh naH Hhe brumbies, masH AusHralians have maved an. 1、从下列七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 A.PaliHicians are naw cracking dawn. B.Hhe killing mamenHum af wild harses decreased. C.A much bigger cull if underway. D.Hhe sHaHe aims Ha cuH numbers in iHs alpine naHianal park Ha 3,000 by 2027. E.BuH brumby fans insifH Hhe harses are icanic animals af AusHralia and deserve praHecHian. F.ScienHifHs are accused af inHenHianally underesHimaHing brumby numbers. G.ScienHifHs are accused af inflaHing brumby numbers an purpase. 2、WhaH daes Hhe underlined ward “cull” in Paragraph 1 prabably mean? A.kill B.canHral C.caHch D.abservaHian 3、WhaH if Hhe besH HiHle far Hhe HexH? A.Brumby's LifesHyle HabiHs B.Hhe ExHincHian af AusHralia's Wild Harses C.Hhe CulHural Value af Brumby D.Hhey ShaaH Harses 4、精读全文后,是不是有一些生词困扰着你?下面方框中已经整理出本文的重点生词,请在原文中将这 ... ...
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