ID: 21976040

(教-学-评一致性)人教版九上Unit9 SectionB 2a-2e 阅读课示范课课件+导学案+分层作业

日期:2024-12-19 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:36次 大小:58857518B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B (2a-2e) 教-学-评一致性阅读课示范课 人教新目标版 九年级(上册) 1.通过观看视频和听音频,能够正确地回答问题,能够说出观看和听到的音乐名称和音乐器材。 2.在阅读Sad but beautiful文章过程中,通过文章题目和所给图片, 能够预测(predicting)文章大意,通过快读(fast reading),能够正确选 择段落大意,能够正确寻找关键句,通过细读(careful reading),能 够正确回答问题,完成思维导图和句子,能够说出阿炳的悲惨身世 和音乐成就,能够找出段落主题句和支撑观点的细节信息。 Learning Objectives 3.能够通过思维导图复述课文,能够说出阿斌的音乐以及他的生平 经历;通过讨论问题能够深入感受阿炳人生的坎坷波折以及他的坚 韧精神,学习阿炳在逆境中不放弃的精神。 Watch and answer Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:观看视频回答问题,正确回答1个问题得1分,第2个问题可以用汉语回答,共3分。本活动共3分。 我得( )分。 Let's enjoy a video and answer the questions. 1.Do you know what kind of music it is 2.What's the name of this song 3.What kind of folk music do you like It is a piece of folk music. Jasmine(茉莉花). I like folk music that _____. I like folk music that _____. is touching is played on erhu I like folk music that _____. Look and say Activity 2 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:根据图片说出音乐器材的名称,正确说出1个得0.5分,共4分;完成最后的填空,填正确1个空格得1分。本活动共10分。 我得( )分。 2a Folk music is always played on traditional Chinese musical instruments. How many Chinese musical instruments do you know about Do you know any famous pieces of music that are played on these instruments Make a list with your partner. suona erhu pipa dizi horse head string instrument 马头琴 cucurbit flute葫芦丝 guzheng yangqin drum These musical instruments become important parts of _____ _____ _____ (中国民间音乐),and theyare _____ _____ _____(中国文化瑰宝). Chinese folk China’s national treasures music Listen and say Activity 3 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:听音频判断音乐器材和曲子名字,填正确一个曲子得1分,共6分。本活动共6分。 我得( )分。 Let's go to the Chinese folk music concert and enjoy famous folk music and guess what instruments these pieces of music are played on and their names of them. guzhen High Mountain and Floating Water(高山流水) dizi Purple Bamboo Tune(紫竹调) erhu Horse Race (赛马) pipa Spring Snow (阳春白雪) Suona dagu Do you know the name of the last piece and what it is played on Bainiao Chaofeng (百鸟朝凤) Walking on the light of the rainbow Listen and answer Activity 4 Lead to objective 2 test it 评价标准:听音频回答问题,正确回答1个问题得1分,共4分。本活动共4分。 我得( )分。 Let's listen to the piece of music again and answer some questions. 2. Do you know the name of this piece of music 1.What instruments this piece of music is played on 3. Who was the music played by 4. What do you think of this piece of music It's called Erquan Yingyue. 《二泉映月》It's also called Moon Reflected on Second Spring. It is played on Erhu. It w ... ...

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