ID: 21977512

【精美课堂】Unit 6 课时 5 Section B (1a-2b)七上人教版课件+视频+音频

日期:2024-12-23 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:90次 大小:163484007B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 A Day in the Life 初中英语人教版七年级上册 Section B 1a→2b Section B How different are people’s daily routines 学习目标 通过本课时学习,我能够: 1.通过略读策略,为文章选择合适的标题。(学习理解) 2.通过略读和寻读策略,借助表格获取关于男孩Timo Hallo日常生活的细节信息。(学习理解) 3.对比自己和Timo Hallo的日常生活的异同。(应用实践) 4.借助表格,联系自我,撰写一篇关于自己日常生活的文章。(迁移创新) 厚的 Let’s guess What is the boy wearing Thick hat Thick scarf 冰球运动 Look and say What is he doing He’s playing ice hockey. Look and say Ice hockey is a game played very quickly on ice. Players use sticks (球棍) to hit a puck into a goal (球门). Can you guess which part of the world the boy is from Look and say Country:Finland 芬兰 Capital: Helsinki 赫尔辛基 In the north of Europe (北欧) Has long cold winters A country of a thousand lakes Look and say high standard of living the happiest country in the world Watch the video What do you want to know about the boy Name: Age: Hobbies: Daily routine: ① When does he go to school ② When does he get home ③When does he do sport ④ What subject does he have ⑤ Does he take after-school classes Read the text quickly and answer the questions. What type of text is it A. argumentation (议论文) B. exposition (说明文) C. narration (记叙文) Skim the text and choose a suitable title for it. A. Timo’s School B. One of Timo’s School Days C. Timo’s Hobbies Read the text quickly and answer the questions. Who How old Where When Who How old Where When Timo Halla 13 Helsinki, Finland December Read the text quickly and answer the questions. Name: Age: City: Hobby: Timo Halla 13 years old Helsinki ice hockey Read the text again and match the main idea with each part. My name is Timo Halla. l'm 13 years old. I live with my parents in Helsinki, Finland. Now it's December. My school begins at 9:00.There are 18 students in my class. Each lesson is 45 minutes long, and there's a break between lessons. I have one Finnish lesson and two home economics lessons in the morning. After that,I have lunch at 12:00. The afternoon lessons begin at 12:30 and finish at2:15. Then I go to my ice hockey club. I usually get home around's already dark outside. l often have dinner at 6:00. After that, I read with my parents for an hour. That's an important part of my everyday life. Then I prepare my schoolbag for the next day. At 9:30, it's time for me to go to bed. Every Tuesday, I usually get up at 7:40. l often listen to the news or music. After breakfast, I walk to school. lt's only a 10-minute walk. A. Activities after school. D. Self introduction. B. Activities before school. C. Activities in school. Let’s read My name is Timo Halla. l'm 13 years old. I live with my parents in Helsinki, Finland. Now it's December. Try to introduce yourself. My name is _____. l'm _____ years old. I live with _____ Now it's _____. Read again and complete the timetable with ... ...

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