ID: 21989734

【精美课堂】Unit 6 课时 7 Reading Plus 七上人教版课件

日期:2024-12-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:95次 大小:15545374B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 A Day in the Life 初中英语人教版七年级上册 Reading plus 学习目标 In this lesson you will: 1. list Wenwen’s mother’s and Colin’s father’s workday routines; 2. compare the workday routine of Wenwen's mother or Colin's father with that of your parents; 3. discover other jobs that have special working hours. Reading plus Before - Reading 查看 病人 Look and say What’s her job A nurse. What does she need to do Look after patients. Check on each patient. What do you know about nurses take care of patients work in hospital work with doctors give injections (打针) sometimes work at night working hours are long 卡车 倒空 Look and say What’s his job A bin worker. What does he need to do Empty rubbish bins into a lorry. What do you know about bin workers work outside deal with rubbish clean the street get up early working environment is not good (hot in summer & cold in winter) working hours are long Reading plus While - Reading Look and say What type of text are they Narration (记叙文). What are the texts about A. special people B. special jobs C. special routines Read the texts and complete the timelines for Wenwen’s mother. eats dinner starts work finishes work arrives home goes to bed Think more Why does Wenwen’s mother work at night Because people can get sick at any time. Hospitals need nurse all the time to help those who are not feeling well. Read the texts and complete the timelines for Colin’s father. gets up starts work work ends picks up Colin has dinner goes to bed Think more Why does Colin’s father start work so early Because it’s the best time to empty the rubbish bins before people wake up and start using them. This way, they can make sure the streets are clean for everyone when they go out. Read the text again and answer the questions. How often does Wenwen’s mother check on each patient She checks on each patient every three hours. Read the text again and answer the questions. Is it easy for Wenwen’s mother to work as a nurse Why No, it’s not easy. She has to work at night sometimes. And she’s busy with her work. Read the text again and answer the questions. How does Wenwen’s mother make good use of her time 平衡 She balances her work and family well. Read the text again and answer the questions. Is it easy for Colin’s father to work as a bin worker No, it’s not easy. He has to get up very early, so his child Colin usually doesn’t see him in the morning. Read the text again and answer the questions. How does Colin’s father make good use of his time He balances his work and family well. Read the text again and answer the questions. What do you think of Colin’s family Why They are warm, because they try to keep quiet at night so Colin’s father sleeps well. Reading plus After - Reading Discuss the questions. How are Wenwen’s and Colin’s parents’ routines different from your parents’ What other jobs have special routines Jobs with Special Routines ... ...

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