ID: 22002020

Unit 8 I can do this for you Story time & Wrap-up & Assessment 课件+素材(共27张PPT)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:92次 大小:55692013B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) (苏教版译林)三年级 上 Unit 8 I can do this for you (Story time & Wrap-up & Assessment ) Sing and follow. What can you do Let’s review What can Bobby do for his grandpa Let’s review What can Bobby do for his grandpa dance draw Let’s review 回忆卡通,完成对话 Look and say. What do you think of Liu Tao’s family 你认为刘涛的家人们怎么样? full of love 充满爱 like helping 喜爱帮助 love sharing 乐于分享 Look and say. What’s the title of story 故事的标题是什么? Read and answer. Why does Liu Tao’s family get together today 为什么刘涛的家人 今天要团聚在一起? 大声读一读第一幅图的旁白部分,寻找答案 孩子们 想要为家人们做事情。 Watch and tick. Who can do things for the family 谁能为家人们做些事情呢? Watch and tick. Who can do things for the family 谁能为家人们做些事情呢? Read and match. What can the children do for their family 孩子们能为家人们做些什么事呢? 1.阅读故事,找一找, 完成书本72页A练习; 2.同桌两人互问互答, 核对答案。 A: What can he/she do B: He/She can… Read and think. 试着体会刘浩的心情,有感情地读一读! How does Liu Hao feel now 刘浩在说这些话时感觉怎么样? I can sing too. I can dance too. I can draw too. We can clean the table too. happy excited Let’s chant I can sing a song for you. I can draw a picture too. I can dance--look at me! I can do things for my family. Think and say Can Liu Hao do things well 刘浩跳舞、画画好吗? No! What do you think of their picture 你认为他们的图画怎么样? Read and find. 在书本P70、P71寻找答案哦! How does his family feel 家人们感觉如何呢? 读一读,用“ ”画出来长辈们对孩子的评价。 太棒了! 真可爱呀! Read and find. 在书本P70、P71寻找答案哦! How does his family feel 家人们感觉如何呢? 读一读,用“ ”画出来长辈们对孩子的评价。 小朋友们,请思考: 长辈们还可以对孩子们说些什么呢? Good boy! Good girl! Excellent! You are so nice! … Think and say. Think and say 想一想孩子们还能为家人们做些什么呢! What else can the children do for their family play read walk sweep the floor wash dishes Listen and imitate 听录音跟读对话,注意模仿哦! Retell the story 如何复述故事呢? Retell the story 故事背景 主要人物 做的事情 人物感受 两人一组,说一说,演一演。 根据关键词,尝试将信息串联起来, 复述时,尽量用自己的语言来表达。 Think and say What can you do at a family get-together 家庭聚会时,你可以做些什么呢? I can…for my family. Listen and match Think and write 想一想,写一写,同桌交流。 Think and share What can you do for your family 你可以为你的家人做些什么呢? 1. Listen, read and act the story.听一听,读一读,并尝试表演故事。 2. Retell the story to your partner. 尝试与同伴复述课文 。 3. Do the things for your family. 为你的家人做一些事情。 Homework ... ...

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