ID: 22005669


日期:2024-12-19 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:37次 大小:41920B 来源:二一课件通
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高考英语推荐地点 一句多译高分佳句 1.这个古老的小镇充满了历史韵味。 This ancient town is full of historical charm. This old town is filled with the flavor of history. 2.那座山以其壮丽的景色而闻名。 That mountain is famous for its magnificent scenery. The mountain is renowned for its splendid view. 3.这个公园是休闲放松的绝佳之地。 This park is an excellent place for relaxation. The park is a perfect spot to unwind. 4.海边的度假村提供各种水上活动。 The seaside resort offers a variety of water activities. The resort by the sea provides diverse aquatic sports. 5.这座寺庙有着精美的建筑。 This temple has exquisite architecture. The temple features beautiful construction. 6.那个森林保护区栖息着许多珍稀动物。 Many rare animals inhabit that forest reserve. A lot of precious animals live in the forest reservation. 7.这个城市的广场是当地文化活动的中心。 The city square is the center of local cultural activities. The plaza of the city is the hub of the local cultural events. 8.那片湖泊的湖水清澈见底。 The water of that lake is crystal clear. The lake has clear and transparent water. 9.这个乡村以宁静祥和的氛围著称。 This village is known for its peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. The countryside is famous for its serene and calm ambience. 10.山顶上的观景台能让你俯瞰整个城市。 The viewing platform on the top of the mountain allows you to overlook the whole city. The lookout on the mountain peak enables you to have a bird's-eye view of the entire city. 11.这个花园里四季鲜花盛开。 Flowers bloom all year round in this garden. The garden is filled with blooming flowers in all seasons. 12.那座历史建筑见证了岁月的变迁。 The historical building has witnessed the changes of the years. That historic architecture has seen the passage of time. 13.这个海滨浴场的沙滩细腻柔软。 The sand on the beach of this bathing place is fine and soft. The beach of the seaside bathing area has soft and smooth sand. 14.这个古镇的街道蜿蜒曲折,充满韵味。 The streets of this ancient town are winding and full of charm. The lanes in the old town are meandering and charming. 15.那片沙漠有着独特的地貌景观。 The desert has a unique landform landscape. That sandy desert features a distinctive terrain view. 16.这个山谷是徒步旅行爱好者的天堂。 This valley is a paradise for hiking lovers. The valley is an ideal destination for those who love trekking. 17.这座城堡承载着许多古老的传说。 The castle carries a lot of ancient legends. Many old tales are associated with this castle. 18.那个岛屿拥有丰富的海洋资源。 The island has abundant marine resources. Rich oceanic resources are available on that island. 19.这个城市的博物馆收藏了大量珍贵文物。 The city's museum houses a large number of precious cultural relics. A great deal of valuable antiques are collected in the museum of the city. 20.那片湿地是众多候鸟的栖息地。 The wetland is the habitat of many migratory birds. Many migratory fowls live in that wetland area. 21.这个滑雪胜地有不同难度级别的。 The ski resort has slopes of different difficulty levels. ... ...

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