ID: 22005712

人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and Thinking 教学设计(无答案)

日期:2024-12-29 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:19次 大小:23522B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit2第二板块Reading and Thinking 内容分析 本板块的活动主题是“学作人生抉择”(Learn to make choices in life)。阅读语篇是一篇人物传记,按照时间顺序叙述了林巧稚的一生,以她在不同时期面临的道德困境和人生抉择为主线,对她作特定选择的原因展开了详细的叙述。林巧稚所作出的选择反映了她坚定的信念、高尚的医德和舍己为人的奉献精神。通过阅读文本,学生不仅能学习这些美好品质,而且能思考如何面对人生的抉择,理解生活的价值。 教学目标 1.根据图片和标题预测文章大意,梳理林巧稚的生平事迹,聚焦她的几次重大人生选择。 2.总结林巧稚的高尚品德。 3.识别人物小传的文本结构和语言特征。 4.思考影响林巧稚人生选择的因素,表达对重大人生抉择的看法,树立正确的价值观。 重点难点 重点 1.阅读并厘清林巧稚的生平经历,分析她的人生抉择及其背后的原因。 2.学习林巧稚的高尚品德,树立正确的价值观。 难点 归纳人物小传的文本特征和语言特点。 教学环节 活动一 1.教师引导学生两两结对讨论生活中面临的常见选择。 2.教师引导学生分组讨论教材Activity 1中的问题,总结人生中有哪些重大抉择。 3.学生浏览教材Activity 2中文章的标题和插图,并回答以下两个问题。 (1)What do you think the text is about What do you expect to read (2)How do you understand the title of the text Possible answers: (1)The text is about a doctor. I expect to read what the doctor did to care for the babies. (2)The title refers to a female doctor who delivered ten thousand babies. 活动二 1.学生快速阅读教材Activity 2的文章,验证猜测,同时关注其文本特征,并回答以下两个问题。 (1)What is the text type (2)How are the events arranged 2.学生细读文章,梳理林巧稚的生平经历,完成下面的表格。 When Important events 1901 1906 At age 18 At age 26 From ages 26 to 27 In 1939 In 1941 During the war From 1954 to 1983 22 April 1983 Possible answers: When Important events 1901 She was born. 1906 Her mother died. At age 18 She chose to study. At age 26 She graduated from Peking Union Medical College. From ages 26 to 27 She was named a chief resident physician. She was sent to study in Europe. In 1939 She was sent to study in the US. She rejected the offer to stay in the US and went back to China. In 1941 She became the first Chinese woman to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. During the war Her department was closed. She opened a private clinic. From 1954 to 1983 She held many important positions. 22 April 1983 She died. 3.学生再次细读文章,关注林巧稚人生中的重大抉择,完成下面的表格。 Paragraph Hard choices 2 to study or to (1) 3 to(2) or to stay in USA 4 to (3) or to stop 5 to spend more time on(4) or on political affairs Possible answers: (1)marry (2)return to China (3)keep working (4) a doctor's duties 4.教师引导学生分组设计访谈节目,节目名称为“Hard Choices”。各组推举一名采访者,就林巧稚的重大人生抉择问题对组内成员进行随机提问。问题可以由学生自己设计,也可以由教师事先提供。可供参考的问题如下。 ·What was Lin Qiaozhi's choice when she was at the age of 18 ·Why was it hard for Lin Qiaozhi to make the choice ·What was the result of her hard choice 各组展示访谈过程,每组完成展示后,其他组的学生从语言、内容和合作等方面进行 ... ...

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