ID: 22014572

仁爱科普版(2024)七年级上册 Unit 3 Our Colorful School Life Project & Review 课件 (共18张PPT,含内嵌音频)

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:14867174B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Wrapping Up the Topic Project &Review UNIT 3 Our Colorful School Life 通过本节课的学习,同学们将能: 1. 通过制作学校网页并做介绍的创意活动,综合运用语言和 信息技术。 2. 通过听说读写的活动,复习巩固本单元词汇、语法、思维 技能和阅读策略。 3. 主动反思和评价自我表现,促进自我监督式学习。 学习目标 Project Designing a web page of your school Unit 3 Wrapping up the Topic Home About Us Subjects Students and Teachers Clubs Our school is in Greenland city. It has a history of 32 years. There are 3 grades, 18 classes, and about 40 teachers in our school now. Students learn English, math, Chinese, science, PE and some other subjects. And there are lots of clubs in our school, such as art club, sports club and music club! Students can learn a lot and have great fun here. Welcome to find out more about our school! Greenland Middle School By Jim Green Allen Bruce the web page of Greenland Middle School Home About Us Subjects Students and Teachers Clubs Our school is in Greenland city. It has a history of 32 years. There are 3 grades, 18 classes, and about 40 teachers in our school now. Students learn English, math, Chinese, science, PE and some other subjects. And there are lots of clubs in our school, such as art club, sports club and music club! Students can learn a lot and have great fun here. Welcome to find out more about our school! Greenland Middle School By Jim Green Allen Bruce Activity 1 Read the web page of Greenland Middle School, and then answer the questions. 1.Who made the web page 2.What do you know about Greenland Middle School Jim Green and Allen Bruce. It has a history of 32 years.There are 3 grades, 18 classes, and about 40 teachers in the school. Students learn English, math, Chinese, science, PE and some other subjects. And there are lots of clubs in the school. Group work. Make a web page of your school. Activity 2 Home About Us Subjects Students and Teachers Clubs _____Middle School By _____ Share your web page with your classmates. Activity 3 Home About Us Subjects Students and Teachers Clubs _____Middle School By Here is the web page of our school… Reviewing Pair work. Listen to the conversation and complete the cards, and then introduce Lingling and Yang Peng. Activity 1 How often: _____ Time: 4:00 Favorite: _____ Yang Peng: PE Club How often: Every Friday Time: _____ Favorite: _____ Lingling: _____ Club 3:35/ three thirty-five Art Drawing Every Tuesday Basketball Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Activity 2 1. Li Mei wants to know more about the past. Her favorite subject is _____. 2. I often play _____ with my friends on the _____. 3. Li Ming is in the music club and he likes playing the _____. 4. Look! Our classroom is clean and _____. 5. Jane is in the _____ club because she likes drawing. history football playground guitar tidy art Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct form of there be. Activity 3 Hello! I’m Tiantian. I love my schoo ... ...

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