ID: 22019961

Unit 6 The power of plants:Starting out & Understanding ideas (1)课件(共16张PPT)2024-2025学年冀教版(2024)英语七年

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:63次 大小:1895760B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 The power of plants Presenting ideas & Reflection Learning objectives After learning this lesson, students are able to... 1. read and spell the new words from Page 108 to 109. 2. finish the activities from Page 108 to 109. 3. make a poster about plants. 4. write a short paragraph about the importance of plants. Lead in Choose a plant, discuss its growth process, and describe its usefulness. Discuss 1.Why do we need plants 2.What are their uses 3.What do they mean to us Step 1 Work in groups. Search for information about different plants. Take a group vote to decide on the plants and find photos of them for your poster. Exploration of the Course Step 2 Organise your ideas with the help of the following outline and make your poster. You may use the following language tips or find useful expressions or sentences from this unit. Title of the poster - The... of plants - Powerful / Wonderful / ... plants Photos of things made from plants Why are the plants important in nature -Animals need them for food. For example, ... -Plants influence... -Without plants, the natural world... How can we make use of the plants -We make... from... -We use... for... -...come from... -Another product is... -We need it to... -It’s useful for... What do the plants mean to cultures - It means a lot to... - ... is a key part of... - ... is more than a plant for... Make sure others can read your poster. Use colours to make it bright. Remember! Step 3 Practise and present your poster to the class. Step 4 Vote on the best three posters and the best three presentations. After completing this unit, I understand more about the importance of plants. Importance of plants Plants are important in the natural world. Plants are _____ to people. Plants mean a lot to _____ . 1 To express my understanding, I can... □use words and expressions in the unit to describe plants: □use the simple future tense to talk about the benefits of plants. □describe the importance of plants. I still need to improve: 2 3 Summary How to make a poster about plants A poster about plants Title of the poster Why are the plants important in nature What do the plants mean to culture How can we make use of the plants Exercise I. 单词拼写 1. You can also compare the prices of the same _____ (产品) easily when you go shopping on line. 2. It’s _____ (自然的) for you to feel nervous when you have an important exam. 3. Fresh air and exercise are good for the _____ (健康). 4. It’s no _____ (秘密) that many children would be happier with so many interesting books. 5. At the _____ (周末), we are going to join the music club and play the violin together. product natural health secret weekend II. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. —What does your new neighbour look like —He was a strong man with _____ (power) hands. 2. I need enough time _____ (do) my homework. 3. —Where are you going during the holiday —We are going to somewhere with _____ (wonder) st ... ...

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