ID: 22021992

专题02 完成句子专练(含答案详解)-2024-2025学年八年级英语上学期期末查漏补缺(人教版)

日期:2024-12-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:47次 大小:286720B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024-2025学年八年级英语上学期期末查漏补缺 专题02 完成句子专练 1.你经常感冒,我觉得你需要运动。 You often have a cold. I you need to do sports. 2.因为天气不好,我们没去爬山。 the bad weather, we didn’t go to the mountains. 3.让我们试着用另一种方法来做这道练习题。 Let's the exercise in another way. 4.第二天我们去了一个小村庄。 we went to a small village. 5.水足够热吗? Is the water 6.上周末玛丽待在家里备考。 Marry to prepare for the test last weekend. 7.杰克将会在星期一到达北京. Jack will Beijing on Monday. 8.史密斯先生决定了下周末和他的孩子们去放风筝. Mr. Smith kites with his children next weekend. 9.大明去乡下拍了一些照片。 Daming went to the countryside and . 10.琳达去年读了相当多的书。 Linda read books last year. 11.她从不去牙医那里清洁牙齿。 She never for . 12.你大部分时间都很注重自己的健康。 You’re smart about your health . 13.当你们一起玩的时候,你可以花时间陪伴你的朋友和家人。 You can your friends and family as you play together. 14.对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的回答也颇有意思。 about watching television were also interesting. 15.通过使用互联网或看游戏类节目来放松是很不错的,但是我们认为最好的放松方式是锻炼。 It is good to relax by or watching game shows, but we think is . 16.我们都知道很多学生经常上网,但令我们惊讶的是,他们中百分之九十的人每天都使用互联网。 We all know that many students often , but we ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. 17.戴尔周末根本不锻炼. Dale exercise on weekends. 18.我爷爷喜欢看游戏节目。 My grandpa likes watching . 19.琳达喜欢《小妇人》和《汤姆·索亚历险记》之类的书。 Linda likes books Little Women and Tom Sawyer. 20.我们很惊讶他们每天熬夜。 We that they stay up late every day. 21.大家都觉得锻炼对身心健康有益。 Everyone thinks exercise is healthy the and . 22.莉莉有空的时候经常帮助做家务。 Lily often when she is free. 23.迈克几乎不去购物。 Mike goes shopping. 24.我一个星期去两次超市。 I go to the supermarket . 25.孩子们最好不要过多地玩电脑游戏。 Children had better not too much. 26.人们喜欢花时间和家人在一起。 People like to their families. 27.完全一样是不必要的。 It’s to be the same. 28.———谁在学校学习更努力? ———蒂娜认为她比我更努力。 —Who’s at school —Tina thinks she me. 29.我很腼腆,因此对我来说交朋友不是很容易。 I’m shy so it’s me to . 30.我的妈妈告诉我好朋友就像一面镜子。 My mother told me a good friend . 31.然而,拉里经常帮助我激发出自己的潜能。 However, Larry often helps to in me. 32.我并不十分在乎我的朋友跟我一样或与我不同。 I don’t really care if my friends me or . 33.一个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,使你感动。 A true friend and . 34.我知道她关心我,因为她随时都能够听我倾诉。 I know she me because she’s always there to listen. 35.但是我认为朋友就像书———不在多而贵在好。 But I think friends are like books — you don’t need a lot of them they’re good. 36.故事不需要是真的,你可以编一个。 The story doesn't need to be true. You can one. 37.在天空中,我们看见各种各样的风筝。 We saw kites in the sky. 38.托尼, ... ...

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