ID: 22027009

Unit 2 Travelling Around Project Design A Travel Brochure 教学设计(表格式)2024-2025学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册

日期:2024-12-28 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:33次 大小:65228B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Travelling around Design A Travel Brochure (Project) Analysis of Teaching Material 本单元围绕旅行这一主题展开,本节课内容是设计一个旅行宣传单/册。本课的主 题语境是人与社会,三位外国游客来中国旅游,让学生根据他们不同的旅行目的,为他 们推荐旅游目的地,并制作一份旅行宣传单/册。在前面章节中的听说课学生已经学习 了如何计划一个旅行,在读思课中学生通过阅读秘鲁的宣传掌握了旅行手册的一些基本 特点,这为本节课的输出提供了理论基础,这节课是对听说课和读思课的实际应用。本 节课要求学生将前面所学知识运用到真实的场景中,去提高他们分析问题和解决问题的 能力,在解学问题中增强团队合作精神,用英语制作计划和手册时跨文化交际的能力, 并在搜索国内景点、推荐目的地中热爱民族文化,坚定文化自信。 Analysis of Students 本单元话题为旅行,本节课之前学生通过听说,阅读等课程已经掌握了一些旅行的相关表达,为本节课的活动奠定了基础。高一的部分学生在初中阶段打下了坚实的基础,而另一部分学生则可能由于各种原因,英语水平相对薄弱。学生们在学习风格、兴趣和动机方面也存在差异。这些差异使得英语教学需要更具针对性和灵活性。本节英语课结合多种信息技术手段与手动操作,为学生提供沉浸式的学习体验,让学生敢于表达,乐于表达。学生在本堂课中能够了解更多中国的自然风光,文化,历史,教育等各方面的知识,树立民族自豪感和自信,并且提高创造性思维和逻辑思维能力。 Teaching Goals By the end of this class, you will be able to: 1. Language competence: a. Listening: Get information and views from foreigners and classmates. b. Speaking: Learn to introduce your own travel brochure. c. Writing: Learn to make the English travel brochure. 2. Cultural awareness: Learn more about China’s history and scenery and spread Chinese culture to the world. 3. Learning ability: a. Students are required to participate in group discussions using the knowledge learned. b. Students are required to search for information beforehand and involved in study positively. c. Improve cooperation and share among the students. 4.Thinking Quality: Improve students’ creativity and logical thinking. Teaching Important and Difficult Points 1. Key points: a. Make travel brochures in English. b. Introduce the travel brochures to the class. 2. Difficult points: a. Make and introduce their travel brochures. b. Strengthen students’ sense of pride and identity of Chinese culture, and enhance their confidence in learning English. Preview Tasks Collect information about the tourist attractions in China. Teaching Procedure Activity Design Purpose Step1.Lead-in Review:In the previous lessons, we have learned get ready for the trip and Explore Peru. Ask students : How to plan a trip (choose a destination firstly and then prepare for it) T:There is a hot destination this year. Let’s watch the video to see what it is. Watch a short video about a hot destination this year--China. (In the video there are a lot of foreigners wanting to visit China and they are wondering which places to travel.) 通过复习前节所学与制作旅行宣传册相关内容,激活学生的已有知识和经历。 核心素养:提升语言能力。 视频导入,展示国外游客对中国旅行的兴趣。环节目标:通过视频,引出本节 ... ...

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