ID: 22048889

Unit 6 Useful numbers Part A Let's learn(优课)课件(27张PPT)

日期:2024-12-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:59次 大小:274855105B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 Useful numbers When do we use numbers? A Let's learn Listen and chant Watch and find What's the video mainly about A.School B.Numbers Look and say What numbers do you see 你看见了什么数字? four three Look and say What numbers do you see 你看见了什么数字? four two Look and say What numbers do you see 你看见了什么数字? five Look and say What numbers do you see 你看见了什么数字? eight five ten Look and say We can see numbers in life. We can use numbers in life. Look and say 110 120 119 12345 Tip:电话中的“0”可以读成字母“O”哦! Look and say We can use numbers in games. Look and say The children are playing.孩子们正在玩耍 A.Hide and seek(捉迷藏) B.Jump rope (跳绳) Listen and choose What is Xinxin saying 欣欣正在说什么? A. One, two, three, four, five. B. Five,four, three, two,one. one Let's learn two Let's learn three Let's learn four Let's learn five Let's learn Watch and repeat 模仿录音读一读,伸出手指数一数 Play a game-报数游戏 Look and say They are playing too.他们也正在玩耍。 A.Hide and seek(捉迷藏) B.Jump rope (跳绳) Listen and tick What numbers do they use 他们使用了什么数字? (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 zero one two three four five six Listen and choose   Jump! Jump! Jump! One, _____, _____!   Jump! Jump! Jump! Three, _____, _____!   Four and _____! Four and _____!   Jump up high! Jump up high!   Five! Four! Three, _____, _____!   Jump! Jump! It's such fun! B C B A B A E E A. one   B. two  C. three  D. four  E. five Watch and check Read, calculate and say 2 three+two= five 1 one+two= three 4 two×two= four 3 two÷two= one 6 five-three= two 5 five+zero= five Look, read and choose I can say numbers! Look, this is one two O._____ This is one one four._____ This is one two three four five._____ This is one two three one five._____ A.电话查询114 B.市长热线12345 C.消费者投诉热线12315 D.救护车120 D A B C Make a new chant 具体描述 星级 数字认读准确、流利。 歌谣歌词生动,情节设计符合生活实际。 演绎生动,有肢体语言配合。 110 120 Example Help, help, help, 120. Help my grandma, 120. Help my grandpa, 120. Help, help, help, 120. ... _____. Who can help Call ____ ! Call ____ ! _____ can help. A. My grandma is ill. B. I lost my bag. C. I see a fire. 119 A 120 120 120 Homework Homework 1. 听录音,指读 Let's learn 的单词。 2. 吟唱 Listen and chant 歌谣。 选做: 1. 设计五以内的加减乘除数学题,和家人或朋友一起用英文 答题。 2. 思考问题“除了课堂上学习的情境,人们还在哪些情境使 用数字?”,在下节课向全班分享自己的答案。

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