
Unit 2 On the farm 第二课时课件+教案

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:85次 大小:1290311Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Period 2 Title Ask and answer Aims Basic aims Language aims: To help the students master the wh-questions to find out quantity How many …? To help the students master the numerals to show quantity Five hens. To help the students master the names of common farm animals chick, hen, duck, pig, dog, cat To help the students master the simple instructions to let the other count Count... Ability aims: Learns the dialog organization's ability Trains the student the ability to describe the animals with the correct sentences Emotional aims: Trains the students to love the animals Developing aims: There is /are... Main points The wh-questions to find out quantity How many …? The numerals to show quantity Five hens. Difficult points Organizing the dialogue Teaching aids Power Point Procedures Step Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation Count off. Review:What is it? It is a... What are they? They are... Divide the class into groups of four. Let the pupils count off in the group. Show the pictures . Ask and answer. 振奋精神,进入学习状态。 While-task procedure Introduce the animals. Learn the sentence pattern. Count the... How many...? ... Learn the phrase: on the farm Learn the sentence pattern. There is/are... Dialogue. -Count the hens. How many hens? -One, two,...Five hens. There are five hens on the farm. 1.Show the picture of the rabbit . Let the pupils introduce the rabbit . Look at the rabbit. It’s ... It likes... It can.... ... Add another rabbit.Introduce the rabbits. Guessing games. 2.T: I have many rabbits. How many rabbits? Sing a song. “Ten little paper rabbits” Read: Count the rabbits. How many rabbits? One, two, ...Ten rabbits. Find the objects in the classroom and ask and answer.. 3. Look at Kitty and Ben. Guess: Where are they ? Read: on the farm Guess: What are Kitty and Ben saying? Discuss with their deskmates. Ask several pairs of pupils to say. Listen to the tape . Read after the tape. T:Yes, there are five hens on the farm Read: There are five hens on the farm. Look at the farm and make a sentences with “There is/ are...” 4.Look and read. -Count the hens. How many hens? -One, two,...Five hens. There are five hens on the farm. T ask and the pupils answer. Look at the farm .Make a dialogue in pairs. Listen to the tape. Read after the tape. 用图片的方式直接和下面的歌曲建立起联系,让歌曲的进入显得不怎么突然。 从学生熟悉的歌曲引入How many 的问句,有利于学生的理解。 找找教室里的物品,既考察学生对新句型的运用,又和生活紧密想接。 猜猜说说,启发学生的创新和想象。 仔细观察,让学生对句型进行理解和操练。 Post-task activity Make a dialogue. Kitty: What do you like? Ben: I like _____. Kitty: What colour are they? Ben: They are _____. Kitty: What can they do? Ben: They can _____. Kitty: What do they like eating? Ben: They like eating _____. Assignment Homework Read and imitate the tape Copy the sentences. 板 书 设 计 Module 1 Unit 2 Touch and feel Count the hens. How many hens? One, two, three, four, five. Five hens. There are five hens o ... ...

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