ID: 22065944

【原创新课标公开课】Unit 6 Useful numbers PB Start to read & PC Project & Reading课件+单元整体教案+练习+动画素材(共49张PPT)

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:65次 大小:91377723B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 Useful numbers PB Start to read PC Project-Reading time 人教PEP 三年级上册 授课人:*** 时间:XX.XX.XX Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future. A+ 学习能力目标 能够通过阅读Sarah全家给妈妈庆祝生日的配图小故事,感受数字在生活中的多种应用。 语言知识目标 通过阅读了解数字在不同场景中的应用及不同的表现形式等,能在情景中运用所学的数字。 思维能力目标 初步了解英语的语言表达,体会不同动物之间各有奇妙之处。 文化品格目标 学会与他人合作学习的能力。并能有意识地运用所学字、词、句,培养“说英语”的能力。 核 心 素 养 目 标 Quick response tekhnologic one old ten six eight five nine many two seven three shop four jump how how old how many banana apple orange Hello, ____! How old are you I’m ____ years old. Practice Tim May Xiaoli Ann Xu Yao How many ... ____ . Sarah Sam Who are they Lead in It’s seven o’clock. Hurry! It’s ... o’clock. 现在是……点钟。 Presentation What time is it 几点钟了? seven It’s seven o’clock. 现在是七点钟。 One orange, two apples and three bananas. Presentation What are Sarah and Sam going to do They are going to make some salad. Sarah is cutting some fruit now. What fruit can you see Happy birthday! Presentation Three cuts. Let’s eat! Whose birthday is it Sarah and Sam’s mum Happy birthday! What can we say to her Happy birthday! Read and answer: Now let’s cut the cake. 1 2 3 Three cuts. Oh, one more cut for the dog. Dogs don’t eat cake, Sam! ● Circle the numbers you read in the text. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ● Say the numbers in each group. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten odd even one five seven four six 奇数 偶数 three nine two eight ten It’s Xinxin’s birthday soon. Listen and circle. 1. How many people are there 2. How old is Matt ① ·Three. ·Four. ·Five. ·Six. Read the invitation card and circle the numbers. ② 1. How old is Xinxin now ·Five. ·Six. Read the invitation card and circle the numbers. ② 2. What time is the party ·5 p.m. ·6 p.m. Read the invitation card and circle the numbers. ② 3. What numbers do you see on the card ·One. ·Three. ·Five. ·Seven. ·nine. ·Two. ·Four. ·Six. ·Eight. ·Ten. Make your birthday card. ③ Give your birthday card to a friend. ④ Happy birthday! Thanks! Wu Binbin Sam Who are they Wu Binbin and Sam are playing a card game. Reading time How many cards Six. What’s this Six. Right. 6 阿拉伯数字6 What’s this Hmm, six You’re right again. Ⅵ 罗马数字6 What’s this It’s six in Chinese. 六 中文数字6 What about this I don’t know. This is six too. It’s a Jiaguwen number. Jiaguwen is over 3,000 years old! 甲骨文数字6 Wow! This is six too. It’s a Jiaguwen number. Jiaguwen is over 3,000 years old! 甲骨文是中国古代的一种文字,主要出现在商代和西周早期的龟甲和兽骨上。它是一种刻划在龟甲和兽骨上的文字,用于记录当时的祭祀、战争、卜辞等事件。 Numbers are helpful. We use them all the time. Numbers are different around the world. How many cards Si ... ...

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