ID: 22067938

Unit6 Meet my family A let's spell 新课标原创优课 教案 素材(共36张PPT)

日期:2025-02-23 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:34次 大小:121203129B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 Meet my family! Part A Let’s spell PEP·四年级上册 cake face name make cap cat hand bag Review six kite five nine rice pig fish milk nose note coke Mr Jones dog orange box body under duck fun run use cute excuse mule me he she we pen red leg egg Summary me/he men/fan rice/face had/hid make/Mike use/us hot/nose case/cat man/mum 1 2 3 Read Let’s read aloud. Read, listen and circle. 读一读,听一听,圈一圈 me/he men/fan rice/face had/hid make/Mike use/us hot/nose case/cat man/mum 1 2 3 Listen Who’s this He is a cat. He is cute. Let’s talk A cake. A cup of milk. He’s got a cake and a cup of milk. Let’s talk A rose is on the cake. What’s on the cake It’s red. It’s red. Let’s talk Cut the cake. Give me the cake. We like the cake. Let’s talk We like the cat! It's cute. It's cute. He's got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! It's red. It's red. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. He likes cake. We like it, too! Listen and chant Listen and follow the chant. Follow the video and chant. Let’s chant b a d Let's blend b st Let's blend e t h i Let's blend p h o Let's blend st m u Let's blend b a--e k th e--e s k i--e t h o--e p c u--e b Aa, Aa, / /, / /, / /. a e a e a e Ii, Ii, /i/, /i/, /i/. Oo, Oo, / /, / /, / /. c c c Uu, Uu, / /, / /, / /. v v v e Ee家有三口,长e,短e,魔法e。 如果魔法e出现,它们发音就还原。 Let’s try tap tape kit kite mop mope cut cute plan plane hen he 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group and write. he she me let met red bed take make gate late bad dad cat fat bike like five fine pig big fit milk cute cube tube huge cup cut but bus note Coke rose pose not hot lot job Can you write more words We like the pig! It’s big. It’s big. He’s got a kite in his hand. A kite in the hand! It’s red,blue and yellow. Give me the kite. Give me the kite. He likes the kite. We like it, too! Write and say We like the ____! It’s ____. It’s ____. He’s got a ____ in his head. A ____ in the head! It’s blue. Give me the ____. Give me the ____. He likes the ____. We like it, too! Look and fill Look and say Tips:小组合作,写出自己的小歌谣,并表演! 参考句型: We like the ____! It’s ____. He’s got a ____ in his ____. Give me the ____. He likes the ____. We like it, too! 参考词汇: dog, notebook, cute mouth Show time! 7 Homework 作业设计中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 (PEP版)四年级上学期 Unit6 Meet my family单元整体分析 课时 Unit6 Meet my family 语篇内容 A let’s spell 类型 语音课 语篇分析 What: 本课时是一节语音课,基于单元大任务和课时内容,创设语篇“Chen Jie’s family”导入学习,通过认识Chen Jie一家人,感悟他们温暖、有爱、互相陪伴的相处之道,引出Let’s spell的内容,通过跟读歌谣,朗读绕口令短文复习巩固a, e, i, o, u的长、短音发音规则。Why: 结合Let’s spell语篇特点和大任务,创编的Chen Jie一家人,在感悟他们的相处之道后融入课本知识学习,不仅强化了学生已学元音字母长、短音发音规则,还教会学生有意识去总结规律,并利用规律记忆单词。How: 本节课是一节语 ... ...

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