中英双语:腊八节及相关习俗如何用英语表达? 腊八节 腊八祭灶,年节来到。 闺女要花,小子要炮。 奶奶要块花头巾,爷爷要顶新毡帽。 这是民间一直流传的歌谣。记得小的时候,大家比较慌年,过了腊八就是年了! 今日是“腊八节”。腊八在人们眼中,一直都被视为是农历新年的“前奏”。从这天起,人们开始要扫房、祭灶、写春联、赶年集、买年画、备年货……年的气氛越来越浓厚。今天就跟随小编一起来了解一下“腊八节”的起源、来历和习俗。 Laba Festival, also simply called "Laba," comes on the eighth day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar year. The festival has this name because the twelfth month is also called "la" month in Chinese while the number eight is pronounced "ba." 腊八节为中国农历十二月初八。之所以称作“腊八”,是因为第十二个月在中文中也被称为“腊月”,而八的发音为“ba”。 Since it's in the last month of the lunar year, the festival implies saying goodbye to the old and embracing the new, and often regarded as a warm-up celebration for the upcoming Spring Festival. As an old saying goes, "after Laba, it's the (Chinese) New Year." 由于它是农历新年的最后一个月,所以意味着辞旧迎新已经开始,是即将到来的春节的热身节庆。俗话说:“过了腊八就是年。” Laba Day is also Bodhi Day in the Buddhist tradition. It's said that Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, attained enlightenment on this day. Thus, the day is one of the grandest festivals for Buddhists. 腊八节也是佛教传统中的菩提节。据说佛教的创始人释迦牟尼佛在这一天获得了开悟。因此,这一天是佛教徒最盛大的节日之一。 腊八节的两个传说 The Laba Festival falls on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. This holiday may be traced back to the ancient Chinese custom of sacrificing game to the ancestors during the last month of the lunar year. There are two legendary stories about the origin of the Laba Festival. One legend has it that after Sakyamuni left secular life to become a monk, he meditated so deeply that he often forgot to eat. Once, when he was close to dying of starvation, he encountered a woman tending her flock. 农历腊月初八是腊八节。腊八节可以追溯到古人在农历年的最后一个月祭祀祖先的习俗,有关这个节日的由来有两个传说。一说佛祖释迦牟尼成佛前进山修行,他潜心思索,经常忘记进食。有一次他就快要饿死了,被一牧羊女发现。 The woman saved his life by feeding him rice porridge, enabling him to continue meditating and attain enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month (the Laba Festival). In order to commemorate this incident, every year at the Laba Festival Buddhists eat Laba porridge, also known as Buddha porridge. 牧羊女用大米粥救了释迦牟尼的性命,使他得以继续修行,在农历腊月初八这天大彻大悟、得道成佛。为了纪念这件事情,佛教徒每年在腊八节都食用腊八粥,也被称为“佛粥”。 One said that the Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang herded the landowner's cattle when he was a child. He was confined to a small room because one of the cattle broke its leg and the landowner didn't give him any food for three days. Zhu was starved to death and searched every corner of the room. He found a mouse hole and dug out some beans, g ... ...
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