ID: 22073352

人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People Of Achievement Reading and Thinking教案(表格式)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:87次 大小:335346B 来源:二一课件通
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新人教版 选择性必修一 Unit 1 People Of Achievement Reading and Thinking教案 课 题 UNIT 1 People of Achievement Period 1 Reading and Thinking 学 科 英语 班 级 授课教师 教 学目 标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: to know about Tu Youyou and her achievements. 2. read for specific information and understanding words in context. 3.learn great qualities from Tu Youyou. about what greatness means and how it is achieved. cultural confidence through learning the outstanding contribution of traditional Chinese medicine to human health and world development. 教 学 主 题 该板块的教学主题是“描述卓有成就的人物”(Describe people of achievement)。学生通过阅读屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖的专题新闻报道,了解屠呦呦及其团队发现并提炼出青蒿素来治疗疟疾的主要过程。学生阅读语篇,归纳屠呦呦及其团队获得成功的原因,概括介绍屠呦呦发现青蒿素并成功治疗疟疾的过程。在此过程中,学生可以感受到屠呦呦及其团队的艰辛和伟大,了解传统中医药对人类健康和世界发展的突出贡献和价值,进而反思自我,为成为“有价值之人”做好未来职业和人生的规划。 教 学 重 点 引导学生了解、熟悉专题新闻报道的语篇特征,掌握按时间顺序叙述人物经历的方法; 引导学生积极探索屠呦呦获得成功的多方面原因。 教 学难 点 1. 让学生从描述性词汇中分析屠呦呦的性格和特质。 2. 引导学生运用所学单词描述青蒿素的发现过程。 引导学生反思伟大的真正含义。 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 Step1 Lead-in Students watch a video clip about Tu Youyou. Discuss Tu Youyou's experiences and achievements, and add vocabulary for the topic. Step 2 Pre-reading Activity 1: Look at the layout and predict. Students look at the two pictures and the title on the the textbook, judge the type and source of the text, and predict the content. The Teacher will ask: Look at the title and the pictures on page. Where would you most likely read this passage What do you think will be talked about Step 3 While-reading Activity 2:Fast reading Students scan the passage and check their prediction. Match the main idea with each paragraph. Para.1 A.Tu Youyou's evaluation of the award. Para.2 B.Tu Youyou won Nobel Prize. Para.3 C.The introduction of Tu Youyou and her team. Para.4 D.How artemisinin was discovered. Activity 3:Detailed reading Read the Para.1-4 again and answer the following questions: Para.1 Students read Para.1 and complete the mind map of the lead. To conclude the event that Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize. Students think about what is the significance of the discovery of artemisinin The teacher guides students pay attention to the function of the numbers. Para.2-3 Students read Para.2-3 and analyse the life experience of Tu Youyou. Students extract information about process of artemisinin to complete the flow chart. Para.4 Students read Para.4 and think about the words Tu Youyou said. Team efforts and the support of my country plays a crucial role in the discovery. Traditional Chinese medicine and the wisdom of ancestors help a lot. It's a great opportunity to introduce Chinese scientific research worldwide. Step 4 Post-reading Ac ... ...

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