
Unit 2 Shopping 第一课时课件+教案+视频

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:19次 大小:1495944Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件11张PPT。Unit2 ShoppingModule 3 Places and activitiesSay a chant:One, two, three, touch your knees. Four, five, six, pick up sticks. Seven and eight, draw a snake. Nine and ten, do it again. onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenelevenWhat do you like to eat ? I like to eat _____ .apple orangeHow many apples ? _____ .banana peachpeach———peachesMake a chant: what, what ,what is red? The bag is red. How many, how many? Five, five, five.Look and say:an apple apples an orange oranges a banana bananas a peach peaches a pear pears In a supermarketA : Can I help you ?B : Yes ./ Ok . / All right . Some apples Some peaches Some eggs Some bread Some pears Some carrotsA : Some apples ? How many apples ?B : Five apples. How much? A: Ten yuan.Pair workSome apples Some bananas Some peaches Some carrots Some eggs Some bread Some pears Some orangesA : Some ____ ? How many _____ ? B : _____ . B: How much? A: _____ yuan.Some apples(6) Some sausages(10) Some peaches(6) Some flour (2)Some carrots(2) Some eggs(7) Some bread(4)Some pears(8) Some yoghourt (3)Some salt (1) Some sugar (1) Exercises : 1. How many _____ ? A. bananas B . Banana 2. How many _____ ? One _____ . A. oranges , oranges B . oranges , orange 3. Ten peaches . (划线部分提问) _How many peaches ?____ 4. I’m ten . (划线部分提问) _How old are you ? _____ 5.It is five yuan. (划线部分提问) _How much is it?A B A : Good morning . Can I help you ? B : Yes . May I have some apples , please ? A : How many apples ? B : Six apples , please . A : Here you are . B : Thank you . A : You’re welcome . Some apples(6) Some peaches(6) Some carrots(2) Some eggs(7) Some bread(4)Some pears(8) A : Good morning . Can I help you ? B : Yes . May I have some ____ , please ? A : How many _____ ? B : _____ , please . A : Here you are . B : Thank you . A : You’re welcome . Homework : 1. Listen and read 3A M3U2 P30. 2. Copy new words and sentences. 3. Say and act with your best friend. Teaching plan Subject: 3A M3U2 Shopping Ⅰ. 教材单元分析: 学生情况分析 通过一二年级的学习,三年级的学生对单词和句子都已经有了一定的基础。对教材上的四会单词基本都能达到听,说,读,写,拼背的程度;听,说,运用所学句型,对话;能进行基本的日常用语交流;能掌握简单的语法知识点。因此,三年级的教学重点除了最基本的词汇和课文掌握之外,更多地放在了对句型掌握程度的提高,语法的掌握和阅读能力的培养一节写话的培养上。在课堂上可以尝试简单的阅读,完成简单的题目,并培养他们能够初具阅读能力。 2.教材分析 本单元是进行情景的创设———Shopping,课文中出现了很多句型,虽然在一二年级差不多都接触过,但是到了三年级要求不同了,要求能读、能背,能默,能或用于对话中,或用于生活中,特别是小故事中的There be _____句型,比较难。本单元的语法重点是帮助学生区分单复数和不可数名词,这是比较容易混淆的。 ?3.?单元目标分析: 知识与能力: 四会单词:apple , orange , banana , peach , peaches ,yuan , many , how much ,buy , sure . 能用新句型进行询问和回答: How many …? How much … ? … yuan . Do you like _____ ? Yes , I do . / Yes , I like … No , I don’t . No , I like … There is /ar ... ...

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