海谊中学高一年级英语科 一、阅读技能(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:阅读理解(共12小题,每小题3分,满分36分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 When I was in primary school,I was actually a little shy.One thing that really frightened me was speaking in front of many people,whether strangers or acquaintances().It was my sixth-grade teacher, Mr Bamick,who helped me get past that.That year we had to make four oral(book reports in front of the class.Some of the kids were even glad to do it,but I was scared to death.Mr Bamick recognized my fear,so he told me to do a report on a book that was about something that really interested me.So I did the first report on baseball. When it was time for me to present it to the class,Mr Bamick cut me some slack and let me read the report rather than give it from memory.Some of my classmates laughed at me,but Mr Bamick defended(......)me.By the end of the year I had completed all four of the oral book reports.It wasn't easy and comfortable for me,but I did it. Years later I realized that Mr Bamick did me a great favor in the sixth grade.One of the chances I got when I won a tennis tournament()was to make comments to the fans who attended the match.Some of those were carried live on television and all of them were before thousands of people.It was still not one of my favourite things to do,but,with Mr Bamick's help,I got through it from time to time.Before long,I was asked to bring my favourite childhood teacher to a national event in Dallas.I was excited when Mr Bamick joined me for the event.It meant a lot to me that he was there. Mr Bamick believed in me and helped me to believe in myself.It was he who helped me build the person I became. 1.In what aspect did Mr Bamick help the writer A.Improving her learning skills. B.Encouraging her to read more books. C.Winning her classmates'recognition. D.Overcoming her fear of public speaking. 2.What does the underlined part"cut me some slack"mean in paragraph 2 1/8
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