阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Because of my limp (跛行) since childhood, I never thought about running a marathon. However, when my head teacher said last Friday that a campus marathon was coming up, I really wanted to take part. Considering my physical condition, I started to feel afraid of signing up. When my friend Eric learned of my situation, he volunteered to be my running partner, determined to help me reach the finish line. Our training journey was challenging yet satisfying. We spent countless hours running together, starting with short distances and slowly increasing our running distance. Eric’s encouragement and patience were important in keeping me active. One autumn morning, we set out for our first long training run. With each step, I felt the weight of my leg, but Eric encouraged me to push through. “Keep going and you’ve got this!” Eric’s voice rang through the air. As the weeks passed, I noticed great improvements in my distance and speed. Eric celebrated each small victory I made and I was gradually getting the confidence and courage to take part in the marathon. On race day, we stood among a large group of runners. Nervous, I looked at Eric, who gave me a comforting smile. When everything was ready, we set off. The first few miles were hard. My limp became more noticeable, and doubts came into my mind. But Eric’s presence was a great source of encouragement. He cheered me on, reminding me of our months of preparation. As we neared the end of the marathon, I could see the finish line in sight. But then, just meters away from the finish line, I fell. Pain went through my leg, and at that time, I thought about giving up. “We’re almost there! Don’t give up!” Eric, running beside me, shouted loudly. 注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右; 2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。 He helped me up. _____ I hugged (拥抱) Eric close and felt truly thankful. _____ 一、文章大意 因童年跛行,“我” 本不敢参加校园马拉松,但在朋友埃里克的鼓励和帮助下,“我” 决定挑战自我。经过艰苦的训练,“我” 在比赛中逐渐获得信心,然而在接近终点时摔倒,埃里克鼓励 “我” 继续前行,故事将围绕 “我” 是否能在埃里克的帮助下完成比赛以及这次经历对 “我” 的意义展开续写,展现了友谊、坚持和自我突破的力量。 二、故事山分析 开端:学校将举办校园马拉松,因自身跛行,“我” 虽想参加但心生畏惧,此为故事起点,交代了背景和 “我” 的内心矛盾,引发读者对 “我” 后续行动的好奇。 发展:埃里克主动成为 “我” 的跑步伙伴,开启训练之旅,过程充满挑战但也有进步,突出了埃里克的重要性以及 “我” 为比赛所做的努力,为后续比赛情节做铺垫,同时展现两人友谊的加深。 高潮:比赛中临近终点时 “我” 摔倒,内心产生放弃的念头,将故事紧张氛围推至顶点,使读者揪心,急切想知道 “我” 和埃里克的抉择,是故事的关键转折点。 低谷:摔倒后的疼痛和放弃的想法让 “我” 陷入困境,情绪低落,与之前逐渐建立的信心形成对比,进一步烘托出此刻面临的艰难抉择和内心挣扎。 结局(续写前):埃里克大声鼓励 “我” 不要放弃,为续写留下悬念,读者期待看到两人如何应对这一突发状况,以及最终是否能成功冲过终点,故 ... ...
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