Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading for Writing 语篇分析 What:本课的主题“分享关于一个道德的故事的看法”。内容讲述了个国王为了试探民众面对问题的态度,将一块大石头放在路中央,并将金币藏在石头下方,然后观察人们的反应。虽然很多人对石头带来的麻烦甚至是个人损失有很多抱怨,但是都不愿意自己解决,最后,一个善良诚实的年轻女孩走过来,带着疲惫搬离了路中央的石头,发现金币并找寻金币的主任的故事。 Why:这则故事聚焦人的社会责任这一深层涵义。作为个体的人,面对社会问题应承担怎样的责任?故事里面的人物隐啥的是世问的百态。 How:语篇为一则寓言故事,篇幅不长,语言精辟简练,情节简单而富有表现力; 用了拟人、比喻、象征等修辞手法:以借喻的方式揭示有教育意义的主题和深刻的道理。 分析学生 高一年级的学生基础中等,词汇量和语块的积累不多,但是学习态度主动积极,课堂上参与度高,乐于分享和发言。 教学目标 1. Get the content and implication of the fable The Stone in the Road. 2. Know the structure of a review and write a review of the fable. 教学重点 学生能够理解文章大意,并且找出文章主旨大意,积累写作的素材和语块,写出一篇寓言故事的评论。 教学难点 1. 如何让学生读懂寓言故事,并从中找出给与的道理 2. 如何利用已学到的知识,结合语块及句式,学出一篇评论。 教学用具 黑板、教材、PPT,学案 教学步骤 Step 1:lead-in It's a kind of traditional short story. It teaches a moral lesson. It's usually a story with animals as characters. 利用guessing game 猜出今天要讲的写作文体———fable, 引入今天所要讲 的寓言故事。 Step2:Fast-reading Elements of a fable 1. when did the fable happened 2. Where did the fable happened 3. Who were the characters in the fable 利用三个问题引出When, Where, who 三个寓言故事必备的三个因素。 A Review of a Fable ·What is the title of the fable Beginning—summary ·What kind of story is it ·What is the main idea of the fable ·What is the author 's purpose Body--Your analysis ·Were the details clear ·Do you think the story has achieved its purpose ·What do you like/dislike about the story Ending--Your opinion ·Would you recommend this story to others Step3:careful-reading 1.Read the fable below and answer the questions. ①. What was the king's idea for teaching an important lesson to his people ②. What did the young girl think and do when she saw the stone 利用俩个what?的问题梳理整个故事的概要,总结出一定的语块。 2.利用表格梳理语言的细节性的知识,深刻体会不同人的不同反映及情感,深刻 体会不同人的不同态度。 Person Experience Emotion Response milkman crashed into the stone angry went away Woman with water tripped over the phone sad limped away in tears other villagers complained about the stone upset/ unhappy nobody made an attempt to move the stone young girl succeeded in moving the stone to the side of the street worried/ concerned surprised wanted to find the owner of the gold Step4:discussion 通过二次阅读,已完整理解整篇寓言故事,但对于道德两难的提升,仍需要 提炼并再一次展现,让学生更加深刻明白其中的道理。 What do you think this fable is trying to tell us The story wants to tell us that each of us should take responsibility for our community. Not ignore and complain the ... ...
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