ID: 22090477

江苏省学科基地2024-2025学年高三上学期十二月第一次大联考英语试题应用文写作“民俗文化校园行” 活动邮件(讲义)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:29次 大小:24326B 来源:二一课件通
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应用文写作 假定你是李华,上周五你校举办了“民俗文化校园行”活动,邀请了民间艺人给同学们展示各种传统手艺。请你给英国笔友Andrew写一封邮件分享这次活动,内容包括: 1. 活动内容: 2. 你的感想。 注意: 1. 写作词数应为80左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Dear Andrew, I’m writing to share with you a themed activity called Folk Culture Campus Tour in our school last Friday. _____ Yours, Li Hua 一、写作提纲 第一段: 开头问候:简单问候笔友 Andrew,引出写信的主题 ——— 分享学校活动。 介绍活动背景:提及学校重视文化传承,举办了 “民俗文化校园行” 活动。 第二段: 详细描述活动内容:列举民间艺人展示的传统手艺,如制作风筝(kite-making)、编织中国结(Chinese knot weaving)、皮影戏表演(shadow puppet show)等。描述艺人的精湛技艺以及同学们的积极参与和反应,例如同学们亲手尝试制作简单的风筝或中国结,对皮影戏的奇妙情节感到惊叹。 阐述个人感受:表达对民俗文化的新奇和喜爱,意识到这些文化传统是民族的瑰宝,通过这次活动对本土文化有了更深的认同感和自豪感,也感受到传承文化的责任。 第三段: 总结活动意义:总结活动对学生和文化传承的积极影响,如拓宽视野、增强文化自信等。 表达期待:希望未来有更多类似活动,并期待与笔友分享更多校园生活。 结束语:写上合适的祝福语和署名。 二、语言积累 活动开场与氛围 The "Folk Culture Campus Tour" kicked off last Friday, instantly infusing our school with a vibrant and cultural atmosphere.(“民俗文化校园行” 上周五拉开帷幕,立刻为我们学校注入了充满活力的文化氛围。) The event was greeted with great enthusiasm by the students, who were eager to explore the wonders of traditional folk culture.(这次活动受到了学生们的热烈欢迎,他们渴望探索传统民俗文化的奇妙之处。) 传统手艺描述 The kite-making artist meticulously assembled the bamboo frames and pasted on the colorful paper, creating kites that seemed ready to soar into the sky.(制作风筝的艺人精心组装竹框架并贴上彩色纸张,制作出的风筝仿佛即将翱翔天空。) With deft fingers, the Chinese knot weaver intertwined the silk threads, forming intricate and symbolic knots that represented good fortune and unity.(中国结编织者用灵巧的手指交织丝线,编织出代表着好运和团结的复杂而富有象征意义的结。) The shadow puppet performers manipulated the exquisitely carved puppets behind the screen, bringing to life ancient tales with vivid movements and voices.(皮影戏表演者在屏幕后操纵着雕刻精美的木偶,用生动的动作和声音演绎着古老的故事。) 个人感受表达 This activity opened my eyes to the rich tapestry of our traditional culture, leaving me in awe of the creativity and craftsmanship of our ancestors.(这次活动让我见识到了传统文化的丰富多彩,让我对祖先的创造力和工艺赞叹不已。) I felt a profound sense of pride and connection to my roots, realizing that these folk traditions are an integral part of our national identity.(我感受到了深深的自豪感和与根源的联系,意识到这些民俗传统是我们民族身份不可或缺的一部分。) It inspired me to take an active role in preserving and passing on these precious cultural heritages, so that future generations can also appreciate their beauty.(它激励我积极参与保护和传承这些珍贵的文化遗产 ... ...

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