ID: 22103392


日期:2025-01-13 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:65次 大小:25557B 来源:二一课件通
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2024-2025年初三上册适应性考试《信息匹配》必考题 一.下面的材料A-F 是六则如何与父母相处的建议。请根Zoe,Judy,Nelson, Penny,Jamika 五位同学来信中的困惑,为他们匹配合适的建议。 Honesty is important in any relationship.Be truthful about your everyday life and feelings.Remember not to tell lies to your parents! Why not do something fun with your parents,such as playing sports or watching a movie Let the conversation happen naturally during the fun. Write down what you want to tell your parents.You don't have to prepare everything,but at least note down a few key points. Find the right time and place for communication.You may ask your parents if they have time before starting the conversation. It's normal to disagree with others,including your parents.But arguing is not the best choice.Try to calm down and deal with your own anger first. Be brave and talk to your parents.Being successful means that they have a good understanding of how to deal with problems. 1.Zoe:I would love to talk to my parents more often,but sometimes they are too busy to listen to me patiently,which drives me mad. 2.Judy:I have no interest in talking with my parents at home.I never expect them to truly understand me, but they are not happy about it. 3.Nelson:I am afraid to talk to my parents.They are successful people,and I'm worried that my problems might seem like nothing to them. 4.Penny:I want to talk with my parents about things at school,but sometimes when I open my mouth,I forget what I wanted to say earlier. 5.Jamika:Sometimes I don't agree with my parents when they tell me what to do,and I talk back.But it always ends up in an argument. 二.下面的材料A~F分别介绍了深圳的风土人情信息,请根据Sam,Henry, Alice, Linda, Kelly五位留学生在网络上的求助,帮助他们选出最合适的周末出游计划。 A. Dafen was once a poor village but now it is famous for its oil paintings. It lies in the southeast of Longgang District. A large number of painters set up working offices here. It is nice to buy and enjoy oil paintings. B.The science Festival will be held at Shenzhen University. A lot of students will compete against each other with their own inventions. C.Dawan Residence ts located in Pingshan District. 40 kilometres away from downtown. It is now a culture museum of Hakka. The loca. Hakka food us also worth trying. D.Shenzhen Library has a great influence on citizens. Millions at books are like treasure.You can attend all kinds of lectures. It is a nice place for the young to learn and explore the world. E. Tencent Binhai Building is known for its special design, and stands as one of Shenzhen's most recent technological landmarks (地标). It is a great place to learn about the canting-edge (前沿的)technology. E. Shenzhen Safari Park lies in Ilanshan Distrot and it has more than 300 kinds of wild animals.Visitors can have a closer look at giant pandas, tigers, golden monkeys and so on. 6. I am really interested in science and technology. It is really exciting to make inventions in my spare time.C ... ...

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