ID: 22107985

Unit 4 My Family:Phonics 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:34次 大小:32010326B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 My Family Phonics Hh Ii Jj Kk Warming up: Sing a Song ant Listen and repeat. 听音跟读。 1. Listen, repeat and trace. ant Listen and repeat. 听音跟读。 1. Listen, repeat and trace. ant Listen and repeat. 听音跟读。 1. Listen, repeat and trace. ant Listen and repeat. 听音跟读。 1. Listen, repeat and trace. i H j I h J k K Let’s group. 将以下字母进行分类。 1. Listen, repeat and trace. H I J K h i j k Follow to read and trace. 跟读并临摹字母。 1. Listen, repeat and trace. Listen and match, then follow to read. 听音,把听到的字母与相应的单词匹配,然后跟读。 2. Listen, match and repeat. 3. Read, repeat and act. Look at the pictures and predict, then read to check. 看图预测,,阅读检测。 What is Jim doing Jim在做什么? Introducing his family members. 3. Read, repeat and act. Read and circle the letters “h, i, j, k”. 阅读Jim的介绍,并圈出表职业的单词中的字母“h, i, j, k”。 3. Read, repeat and act. Read and mark out the sentence structues you have learned in this unit. 读故事,标出你在本单元所学过的句式。 hand Hh /h/ Read and find the rules. 读单词,找出字母在单词中的发音。 3. Read, repeat and act. hat kite Ii Read and find the rules. 读单词,找出字母在单词中的发音。 3. Read, repeat and act. driver /ai/ jet Jj /d / Read and find the rules. 读单词,找出字母在单词中的发音。 3. Read, repeat and act. judge kite Kk /k/ Read and find the rules. 读单词,找出字母在单词中的发音。 3. Read, repeat and act. cook 3. Read, repeat and act. Follow to read. 跟读。 h,h,hen h,h,hat Watch and sing. Follow to sing. 跟唱。 i,i,igloo i,i,ink Watch and sing. Follow to sing. 跟唱。 j,j,jet j,j,jeep Watch and sing. Follow to sing. 跟唱。 k,k,koala k,k,kangaroo Watch and sing. Follow to sing. 跟唱。 Remember the 4 letters Homework Write the 4 letters (Hh, Ii, Jj and Kk) and read them aloud. 在四线格里规范书写字母Hh, Ii, Jj,Kk并大声朗读。 2. Read Jim’s introduction in Activity 3and try to say about yourself. 阅读活动3中Jim的介绍,并尝试根据自己的实际情况进行介绍。 THANK YOU 感谢观看

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