阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 I was a broke university student. I should have been going to university on a scholarship because I came from a low-income family, but a last-minute 100-a-year pay rise for my mum pushed my family over the threshold (门槛) for what defined “low-income” and I was suddenly no longer qualified for 15,000 a year in scholarship money. This news came after I’d been accepted by the university and signed the lease (租约) for my accommodation. Despite my family not being labelled low-income anymore, I still wouldn’t receive any financial support from my family as all the income went toward taking care of my disabled brother and paying their own bills. It would be tight, but because I had savings from my part-time job, I decided to go to university anyway. After paying my rent, I had 10.20 a week for everything else including food, toiletries, and school supplies. As I was in a new city, I really wanted to make friends, which was difficult when most of the social activities were expensive. Therefore, I jumped at the chance to do a relatively cheap coffee shop trip with my roommates who were pleasant to me. I had 20 with me to get a cheap cup of coffee and my food shopping for a few weeks. So I headed for the coffee shop. While paying, I pulled out the note and a handful of change and realized I could pay without breaking the note, so I put it back in my pocket. It wasn’t until I arrived at the supermarket that I realized the note was gone. What should I do I was desperate it was the equivalent (相等物) of two weeks of money. My roommates helped me look for the note. However, it was in vain. Finally, I went to school empty-handed. 注意: (1) 续写词数应为150词左右; (2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 P1: As a final attempt, I messaged the coffee shop’s Facebook page asking if they’d seen it. _____ P2: I said, “Oh, ...This isn’t mine; my note was an old worn one.” _____ 一、文章大意 本文讲述了一位来自低收入家庭的大学生,因母亲收入的微小变化失去了高额奖学金资格,家庭无力给予经济支持,他只能靠兼职积蓄上学。每周除去房租后仅有 10.20 英镑用于所有开销,生活拮据。在渴望交友、参与社交活动时,他选择相对便宜的咖啡店之行,却不慎丢失了相当于两周生活费的 20 英镑,室友帮忙寻找无果,他陷入绝望,无奈之下向咖啡店的脸书页面求助,开启后续故事。故事展现了贫困大学生在困境中努力求学、社交,以及面对意外挫折时的无奈与挣扎。 二、伏笔及续写回应 伏笔:因母亲微小的收入涨幅失去奖学金资格。回应:致使主角经济陷入极度困境,只能靠微薄积蓄上学,为后文丢失钱后极度绝望的情绪做铺垫,突出钱对他的重要性。 伏笔:家庭收入用于照顾残疾兄弟和支付账单,无法给予主角经济支持。回应:进一步强调主角孤立无援的处境,让他在丢钱后更加无助,也促使他在得到帮助后对善意格外感恩。 伏笔:每周除去房租仅有 10.20 英镑用于所有开销。回应:说明 20 英镑对主角而言是巨额财富,丢失后陷入绝望合情合理,而失而复得时则倍感珍贵,影响后续行为与心态。 伏笔:选择相对便宜的咖啡店之行,且付款时小心翼翼。回应:展现主角的节俭,暗示他深知每分钱的重要 ... ...
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