ID: 22112083


日期:2025-01-08 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:73次 大小:25198B 来源:二一课件通
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应用文写作 亲子关系是人生的重大命题,青春期的身心变化使你不可避免地与父母发生冲突,如何化解与父母的具体矛盾成为成长过程中必须面对的问题。请你以“How to deal with parent- child tensions”为标题写一篇短文: 写作要点:1)定期沟通,保持融洽; 2)冷静下来,换位思考; 3)充分考虑,解决忧虑; 4)做出让步,放松控制 。 写作要求:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 How to deal with parent-child tensions _____ 一、写作提纲 第一段:提出问题,引入话题 开篇点明青春期亲子冲突常见现象,以自身或普遍事例引入,如“Many teenagers find themselves constantly arguing with their parents as they enter puberty. Whether it's about study time, fashion choices, or social activities, conflicts seem inevitable.”引发读者共鸣。 强调解决亲子矛盾对青少年成长的重要性,为下文阐述方法做铺垫,如“Learning how to effectively deal with these tensions is crucial for our healthy development and the well-being of the whole family.” 第二段:阐述解决矛盾的方法(分点论述) 定期沟通,保持融洽: 建议每周安排固定 “亲子交流时间”,如周日午后散步聊天,分享校园趣事、工作烦恼,增进彼此了解,可用 “Set aside a specific time each week, say a Sunday afternoon walk, to chat about school anecdotes and work hassles, deepening mutual understanding.” 表述。 强调沟通时要坦诚,表达真实想法感受,避免隐瞒,“Be honest and open during communication, expressing your true thoughts and emotions to avoid misunderstandings.”。 冷静下来,换位思考: 描述冲突发生时,先深呼吸 5 秒,让情绪平复,再尝试理解父母出发点,“When conflicts erupt, take a deep breath for five seconds to calm down before attempting to understand your parents' intentions.”。 举例说明站在父母角度看待问题,如熬夜问题,父母担心健康,意识到这点能减少抵触,“For instance, regarding staying up late, parents worry about your health. Realizing this can lessen your resistance.”。 充分考虑,解决忧虑: 提出做重大决定前,主动征求父母意见,如选文理分科、参加社团,“Before making significant decisions like choosing between liberal arts and science streams or joining a club, actively seek your parents' advice.”。 阐述用实际行动打消父母顾虑,若想参加远途活动,提前规划行程、报备同伴信息,“If you want to participate in a long-distance activity, plan the itinerary in advance and report your companions' information to reassure them.”。 做出让步,放松控制: 点明在非原则问题上适当妥协,像房间布置风格,满足父母部分要求,“On non-principles issues such as room decoration style, make appropriate compromises to meet some of your parents' demands.”。 倡导青少年给予父母一定信任,不过分坚持己见,“Teenagers should also give their parents some trust and not be overly stubborn.”。 第三段:总结全文,强调意义 总结上述解决方法,用简洁语言回顾要点,“In conclusion, regular communication, empathetic understanding, considerate decision-making, and appropriate compromise are the keys to resolving parent-child tensions.”。 再次强调良好亲子关系对青少年成长、家庭幸福的积极影响,升华主题,“Maintaining a good parent-child relationship not only facilitates our growth ... ...

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