杭州2024学年九年级第一学期阶段性学业成果展示(10月) 总分:120分;考试时间:100分钟 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。 A Games From Your Childhood You Can Still Play Hide-and-seek Hide-and-seek is a popular children's game in which at least two players play together. Everyone will gather at a central point in the beginning. One of them will be the seeker(寻找者), and the others will have to find a place to hide. When the time is up, the seeker will look around for the other players. Tho one who stays hidden tho longest will be the winner. Marble A marble is a small ball often made of glass. These balls are in different sizes. They are often collected, both for nostalgic (怀旧) and for their beautiful colors. Players often use their fingers to “shoot” one marble to hit the competitor's marble and can get it if it is hit Rock paper scissors Rock paper scissors is a common hand game. Players form one of three shapes with a hand at the same time. These shapes are just like “rock”, “paper” and “scissors”. Normally, one player wins at the end by beating all players with tho right shape. Beanbags Throwing beanbags is a popular traditional Chinese game for kids in the 1980s. These traditional Chinese toys are usually handmade from parents or grandparents. The player will try to hit the other players with a beanbag. The one that is hit will lose the game. 16. Who can win the hide-and-seek game A. The one who finds the seeker first B. The one who finds a place to hide C. The one who hides the fastest D. The one who hides for the longest time 17. Which of the following describes the game “Marblo” best 18. What do we know about these games A. Hide-and-seek is a game which only needs two players. B. Players use their feet to shoot the competitor's marble. C. Rock paper scissors is a kind of unusual hand game D. Beanbags are usually made by parents or grandparents. B Once upon a time, there lived a kind-hearted king. He loved birds and animals, and had a huge bird sanctuary(禁猎区) in his kingdom. He hated harming the animals and birds. He did not kill them for meat. One day, the king was sent two beautiful birds by a businessman. The king ordered the trainer to make them feel comfortable in their country. One day, the king saw one bird fly very high, very quickly. However, the other bird just sat on the branch(树枝) and didn't move even a step. The trainer said that he had tried everything he could but still failed to make the bird move. Later, the king decided to find someone in the country to make it move and fly. A few weeks later, an old man reached the king's palace and assured him that he would make the bird fly like the other one. The king asked the trainer to take the old man to train the bird. The next day, the king went to visit the old man. He was surprised to see the other bird fly like the first one to great height ... ...
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