ID: 22117608

Unit 6 How do you feel Part A Let's learn课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:75次 大小:13137240B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 感觉 Unit6 How do you feel Part A Let's learn How does she feel 开心的 How does she feel How does he feel He is happy. How does he feel 伤心的 draw a sad face [s d] How does he feel He is sad. How do they feel They are sad. 竟然不写英语作业 生气的 high and low voice How does Coco feel How does he feel He is angry. 读一读,找出单词中的相同发音部分. a Let 's find dad cat gas mad / / 害怕的 How do you feel magic finger How do they feel They are afraid. 生病的 担心的 How do they feel h-c-c How does she feel She is worried. Fast Reation Look at the pictures and talk about the story. 看图片和组内同学讨论图片上发生了什么事情。 Group work小组讨论 1 2 3 4 (1 minute.) A story Sarah and her cat. Nini How does Sarah feel One day, Nini broke a cup. The cat is afraid. Sarah is angry. How does the cat feel It's getting cold,(天气变冷了) Nini is ill.(生病的) How does Sarah feel Sarah is sad. Sarah is worried , too. Nini is _____. Sarah and the cat ____(is /are) worried. Two days later.Nini climbs a tree.He can't get down(下来). worried Now Sarah is happy. Nini is happy. The fireman is happy. Then a _____ comes and helps Nini . They are happy. fireman Let's watch and read. P59 Write and say:Group work worried happy angry sad afraid How do they feel How does he feel How does he feel How does she feel How do you feel (1 minute) Homework 1.把let’s learn里面的句子抄写在作业本上,每句三行。 2.背诵59页的7个句子。 3.把第六单元剩下的内容预习完。 ! Thank you ! Goodbye

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