课件网) Presentation 单元主题范畴:人与自我 单元主题内容:自我认识、自我管理、自我提升 (2024新版)人教版 七年级(上册) Presentation Learning Objectives 1.通过略读和寻读策略, 获取短文中有关蒂莫日程时间表的基本信息,梳理、概括蒂莫日程活动、时间等内容,借助可视化图形呈现结构化知识。(学习理解) 2.通过略读策略,为文章选择合适的标题。基于结构化知识和重点语言知识,运用目标语言,以第三人称视角复述文章内容。(学习理解,应用实践) 3.结合自己的实际情况,对比自己和蒂莫的日常生活的异同,借助表格和评价量表, 描述自己学校日的一天,完成一份介绍,并在班级前进行展示。反思自己在时间安排上的合理性,树立时间观念。(迁移创新) Presentation Let's watch a video together and answer the questions. 1.How old is the little boy in this video 2.Where is he from 3.What time does his school start and end 4.Can you organize his activities of the day with a timeline He is 11 years old. He is from England. His school starts at 8:50 and ends at 3:15. 8:50 School starts 9:30 Art starts Lesson one 10:30 break time 10:45 Lesson two starts 12:15 lunch time 1:15 p.m. Lesson three starts 3:15 p.m. time to go home Presentation In recent years, Harbin has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in winter. It also designed some ice sports for the visitors. Presentation Do you know what kinds of ice and snow sports are there in Harbin in winter Do you know where on Earth there are winter sports Presentation Look at the pictures and answer my questions. 大家都在搜:哈尔滨冰雪大世界 10分钟前·芬兰 回复 We also have some popular sports in winter. Presentation Look at the photos below. Guess which part of the world the boy is from. What do you want to know about him. 1. What do you see in the photos 2. In the first photo, what’s the boy wearing 3. In the second photo, what sport is the boy doing 4. Where do you think the boy comes from A little boy. He is wearing a fury hat, a scarf and thick clothes. Cold area. In the northern(北部) part of the world. ice-hocky 冰球运动,冰上曲棍球 He is playing ice-hocky on the ice. hockey n. 曲棍球 5.What do you want to know about him I want to know more about his daily routines. 1 2 Presentation 冰球运动(Ice Hockey)冰球亦称冰上曲棍球,起源于加拿大。是以冰刀和冰球杆为工具在冰上进行的一种相互对抗的集体性竞技运动,由男子和女子两个小项组成,在国际体育分类学上属独立的冬季运动目。 运动员穿着冰鞋,手拿冰杆滑行拼抢击球,运动员用冰杆将球击入对方球门,以进球多者为胜。 Presentation Read the passage quickly and finish the ID card. Name:_____ Age:_____ Nationality:_____ Beginning of the day:____ End of the day:_____ Timo Halla 13 years old Helsinki, Finland 7:40 9:30 Presentation 芬 兰 Helsinki is in the _____ of Finland. south (南部) 芬兰,位于欧洲北部。芬兰被誉为“千湖之国”。芬兰地势北高南低,北部丘陵,中部为冰碛丘陵,沿海地区为平原。 赫尔辛基(Helsinki),是芬兰首都,位于芬兰湾北岸维洛尼埃米半岛上,三面被波罗的海包围,素有“波罗的海的女儿”之称。 Culture corner Presentation Read the text and choose a suita ... ...