2024一2025学年度第一学期期末八年级英语监测题 i.What does the word"attend"mean in Chinese A.参现 B.送份 C.收看 D.参知 注意事项: 2.Which of the folowing is True according to the passage 1,本试卷共5页,共90分:考试时间100分钟,考试体表后只将答题卡文回, A.Lin Tao goes to the library to read some famous books every week. 2香题前.齐必用0.5毫米黑色玉半笔将自己的址名、准考证号、庄位号填写 B.Tina want地o give up studying 在云题卡规定的位里上 C.Mary bupes to be a dancer. 3意择题进出香素后,用B船笔把茶题卡上对应题目的爷量标号涂黑:如高 D.Mike has already been to many countres tn the world. 改动、用橡庄馨干净后,再迹汝其他答鉴标号 4弃速择题必缓用05毛来黑已荟半笔作爷,香鉴必须写在爷题卡裕定区城内 Dear Aunt Cathy. 相丘Q1:扣熏改动,先划掉原来的香素,品后再写上断的答爱:不能使用涂改液, have a probler.with my homework.We have to do rt in groups and we must 故帝纸、州正带。 inish it before this Friday.but Alex.the boy in our group.does nothing helpful.He just 5.在试卷上和苏题卡指定区法外的零鉴无数, keeps rocking the boat 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) Every ame we talk about problems with him.be always says,"Don't worry.I'll do 第一节(共15小骚:每小题2分,满分30分 it late:."But he seldom()does his job.And when he does.he does it the wrong way 圆读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最住透项。 Someone has to dot for him again.What's worse.when Mrs.Black asks ourgroup A about the homework.Alex always tells her that we don't work hard enough.I'm really My pame is Lin Tao.I'm interested in writing.I go to the fibrary and read some angrywth him about this.We're in the same group.Shouldn't we help famous books twicea week writ some good stones Some teathers say my a better job stones are good.hope to be a well-known writer like Lu Xur.in our country Linda I'm Tina.I am from the United States.I love dancing.Wher.I was a small girl,I look a lot of dancing classes.Now 1 practice dancing once a weck.I am busy with my Dear Lindn. study.but I don't want to give up dancing It's important for students to leam how to work together in a group.Perhaps you Mary is my name.I'm a blind girl.I like musi a iot and I can sing weLast year. hould talk with him about the problem and tell bim you all need his help.if be still I took pan in (a singing compeution in my school and gol the first pnve.i hope to docan't change.tnlk to your tencher.I believe she can make him do bis job. attend the popular talent6 howcaldSruierd左光大道) Aunt Cathy My name is Mike.I like traveling by myself and have aireidy been to many cities 3.Whit does "rocking the bont"mean in Lindo's leter in my country.But hardly ever went to foreign countnes f hope to travel n China nn A.Tolling people what to do B.Ploying games all the time. my own. C.Working withone:thiking D.Stopping things from going well. 八作级虽竹赐术试题第1页北5可 CS出卷网 3亿人都在用的扫福App ... ...
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