2024-2025学年度第一学期期末学业质量监测 B 八年级英语试题 A big sandstorm hit North China several months ago.It covered many cities (时间:90分钟:满分:110分) with thick clouds of yellow dust(尘土). 一、阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) The storm came from Mongolia.It was the largest sandstorm in China in the 阅读下面语篇、从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 past 10 years.Many flights and classes were canceled because the visibility was lower than 500 meters. Canada shares the longest international border(国际边界)in the world with the The storm was the result of warm and dry weather in the area,together with USA which is about 8.892 km long.The longest part of the border shared with the strong winds from Mongolia."There has been little rainfall so far this spring Alaska State is about 2.475 km long.Here is more information about Canada. and the temperature is rising.So now it is a worrying time for sandstorms,"said an expert from Beijing. Geography In recent years,sandstorms haven't been as common in North China as before. *the largest waterfalls,Niagara Falls The land with desertification (has been falling by 7.585km2 per year in *a large country,and it has a small population China,and the sandy area has been decreasing by 1,284km2 a year.This is thanks the second biggest country in the world,after Russia to China's Three-North Shelter Forest Program which started in the 1970s.Millions the highest mountain,Logan Mount with a height of 5,951m of trees have been planted in North China to prevent sandstorms and protect the environment. *the longest river,the Mackenzie River in the northwest 4,241 km long Besides,,China has a color-graded weather warning system(预警系统)for Attractions for kids sandstorms,with red meaning the most serious,followed by orange and yellow. interesting museums and wonderful city parks Therefore,people would have time to get prepared for the sandstorm going boating in the national parks,enjoying skiing,snowboarding and other fun winter activities in the mountains Kinds of sandstorms Visibility *ouidoor activities:riding,climbing and ice skating in Toronto, Sandstorm less 1 kilometer Vancouver and so on Severe sandstorm less 500 meters 1.How long is the longest border that Canada shares with Alaska State Super severe sandstorm less 50 meters A.About 8.892 km B.About 2,475 km. C.About 5,951m. D.About 4.241 km 4.What caused the sandstorm from Mongolia 2.Which of the following statements is true A.Cold and wet weather together with the heavy rain. A.Kids can't go ice skating in Vancouver. B.Warm and dry weather together with the heavy rain. B.The height of Logan Mount is 5.951 kilometers. C.Warm and dry weather together with the strong winds. D.Warm and wet weather together with the strong winds. C.Canada is a large country with a small population. 5.What does the underlined word "decreasing"mean D.The Mackenzie River lies in the northeast of Canada. A.Putting up.B.Going up.C.Putting down. D.Going down. ... ...
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