四、听短文,判断句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的在题前括号内打“√”, 小学英语四年级(上册)期末素养调研卷(2025.01) 不相符的画“X”. )1.Sally is in England now. 听力部分 ( )2.Sally's mother is a Chinese teacher 一、听句子,选出你所所到的单词或词组,将其标号填入题前括号里。 )3.Liu Ming has short black hair. (1.A.ball B.bowl C.boat ()4.Liu Ming's glasses are brown. ()2.A.car B.cap C.candy )5.Sally is very happy at school. ()3.A.floor B.fruit C.fridge 五、听单词,圆出该单词的字母结构,并在四线格上正确写出该单词, ()4.A.puppy B.picture C.people 装()5.A.tail B.today C.table ()6.A.shos B.she C.short 二、听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片,将其标号填入题前括号里。 a-e e -e u-e )1.A. )2 读写部分 六、读一读,根据每组单词的意义范肺选出不同类的一项,将其标号填入题 B. )3 4 前括号里。 ()1.A.UK B.USA C.CCTV D.CAN ()2.A.eg9 B.cake C.beef D.water ()3.A.farmer B.aunt C.uncle D.parents A )4.A.elephant B.panda C.cousin )5 D.monkey 6 ( )5.A.bedroom B.pupil C.kitchen D.bathroom 品 ()6.A.window B.door C.hat D.blackboard 七、读一谟,选出与图片相符的句子,将其字母标号填入图片下方的括号里。 三、听对话,根据问题选出相应的答句,将其标号填入题前括号内。 ()1.A.I's in the desk. B.It's on the fan ()2.A.He's a doctor. B.He's a driver. ()3.A.Yes,she is. B.No,she isn't. 1.( 2.( 3.() 4.() 5.( )4.A.Some fish and juice. B.Some bread and milk. A.My sister is a nurse. B.Let's clean the classroom. ()5.A.Two keys and three pencils.B.Two keys and three pens. C.There's a phone on the table. D.He is tall and strong. )6.A.A big bed and a computer.B.A big bed and a TV. E.I can use a fork and knife. 小学英语因年级(上闭)期末茶养词研卷第】到共4页 小学英语因年级(上册)来紧养调研老第2页共4页
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