2024-2025学年浙江省台州市温岭市九年级(上)期末英语试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共15小题,共22.5分。 “Why did she spill the beans ” I thought. I’ll always remember that day, when I was so 1 by all the strange looks everyone was giving me. Those thoughts will always stay with me. And I couldn’t believe I would lose the friendship of the person I 2 the most. Five years ago, Sally was the new kid in class. I don’t know what it was, but something unique about her drew me to her. She was the most 3 person I knew. We started as classmates, but after a few 4 , we were like best friends. So, I never 5 her to hurt me in such a big way. I don’t know what made me tell Sally about my personal life. She made the matter 6 than it was, adding her own spin (倾向性描述) on it and telling everyone at school. It was like someone had stabbed me in the back. After she gave away my secrets, everyone at school started 7 me, looking at me and giggling whenever I passed by. After this terrible situation, I 8 schools. 9 Sally called me many times, I didn’t answer. My heart was broken. I tried hard to heal from the scars (伤疤) 10 left on my heart. I started a new life. After five years, my 11 went back to the way it was, with new friends. But one day, I 12 Anna at the market. She was my classmate from the 3rd grade. She told me that Sally wasn’t the one who brought my 13 to light. Mary was. Mary was our school’s big mouth who always wanted to stick her nose into other people’s business. I was all at sea. I wished I could have asked Sally about this. I wished I could go back in time and fix my 14 . From that, I learned a life lesson that we should always listen to and trust those we love because one little mistake could 15 break our lives. 1.A. relaxed B. surprised C. interested D. excited 2.A. trusted B. respected C. admired D. missed 3.A. serious B. common C. friendly D. careful 4.A. minutes B. hours C. weeks D. years 5.A. warned B. noticed C. minded D. expected 6.A. bigger B. better C. easier D. clearer 7.A. shouting at B. calling at C. smiling at D. laughing at 8.A. chose B. visited C. changed D. enjoyed 9.A. As soon as B. As long as C. Although D. However 10.A. I B. you C. he D. she 11.A. work B. life C. study D. family 12.A. met B. caught C. called D. helped 13.A. words B. sadness C. secrets D. happiness 14.A. worry B. mistake C. lesson D. hope 15.A. only B. hardly C. really D. just 二、阅读理解:本大题共15小题,共30分。 A Her skin paper-thin, grandma’s hand’s cradle mine. She waves, not remembering everything she gave. Her hands know. She doesn’t always remember me when I’m there. Her hands do. They recall what her mind can’t—a long life filled with happiness and tears. Years that show on her hands. Those hands that clapped and cooked and carried and caressed. That toiled and shook and folded and molded. That bled and read and prayed and played. These hands try to express what words can’t. We know. Her _____ is in her touch. And it’s enough. 16.Which o ... ...
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