ID: 22148311


日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:83次 大小:677803B 来源:二一课件通
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2024一2025学年度上学期期末质量监测 3.According to Bluc000.if a student's handwriting is bad. 九年级英语试卷 A.he she can't pass the exam B.the answer must be wrong can't reflect the attitude towards his or her studies 〔本试春共45道题滨分90分考试时间90分钟】 零生注章:乐有试题心顺在答题卡指定区减内作否,在本试春上作答无效 D.the teachers may misunderstand what he she has wrinen 第一部分选择题(共50分) 4.We can read this text on a an magarine B.novel collection 一、 图溪理解《共9小愿,等小题:分:溪分40分) C,Intemet forum(论标) D.local newspaper 第一节反速下委语言材料,从每是=绘的A、B、C、D四个选项中进出最佳选项 B The population aging has become a serious problem in many couries the world Today's Medien议题 How to take good care of the old becomes a big problem The care hoes imLedee comeup ●ssg1s Sedeets Shoeld Not Be Graded on Their Handwriting with an amazing way to stopold people feeling loclygiving them hensoer I for the moooe De't jadge a book by its cover."is a suitable saying for this The project can reduce loneliness and improve happinessm theoldt'sasdo A d my not bve good handrng bt he or she could still be very smart For help patients with dementiaa seous ilness of the mind Workers n care homes haveeed a reduction in the use of medicine where hens are in use. 可kgsn一gs比如eaoe的paf如 Among those taking part in the project the 80-year-old Ruth said.T usodke hens when I was younger and had to prepare their breakfast each moring before Iwetschool I By Mini balloon w am enjoying the creative activity,and it feels great to have done somng sefu Wendy of the first to take up the projeet said People really welcome the idea of the project We are looking forward to the advantages and fun the propectcing poople here." Lymn Lewis said.-We欢0ker口在ete马be 5pg上d(之) really woe'tmaner里 a shared interest and creative activities." B时Litle Srawbery There are now 700 old people looking afier hens 20 care homes theoestAnd 山一 owthe char时isw0 ing hard to raisemy面r女oject across theco白 ●2SgNe 5.What does the underlined word them"refer to bomes B.old people C.D.workers 6.What's the Chinese meaning of the word"demetia"in Pargaph 2 A.活对 B.想法 以过t一ad=3女志度2 rds his or her sds D.指吴 7.The purpose of the project is to help the old By Blue000 A.mprove their heal地 w B.gg时 C.fight against heart disease 1.There are cgos设票位出no6c如here are votes against it 8.Whatcan we know about the three people in the ter A B.42C.58%D.100% A.They all used to keep hens at a young age B.They are in the same community. one will write leners B.everything will be done by machines C.T时y山eet D.roboes ad techoogywill develop qcy D.They are all in thei如cighties 九年级英语第1页(共8页) 九年级英语第2页(共8页)

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