ID: 22150151

期末作文预测 (含范文)2024-2025学年外研版英语九年级上册

日期:2025-01-11 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:44次 大小:24275B 来源:二一课件通
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(1).袁隆平是我心中的英雄,因为他是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。他在2019年获得了共和国勋章。 (2).年轻时,他看到很多中国人遭受饥饿,所以他梦想着培育出更好的水稻品种。 (3).他上了大学,并于1953年获得了学位。然后他开始工作。起初,他的三千多次实验都失败了。但袁隆平意志坚强。无论发生什么,他从不放弃。他曾说过:“每次我跌倒,我都会站起来再试一次。" (4).最终,他培育出了新的水稻品种,包括一种产量比普通水稻高30%的水稻。他还培育出了能在贫瘠土壤中生长的水稻。 (5).袁隆平并没有止步于此。他又为了一个更伟大的梦想而努力:在全世界种植水稻。他出访国外,并提供种植水稻的建议。 (6).现在袁隆平的水稻在60多个国家种植。他的工作每年帮助数百万人解决了温饱问题,他为世界消除饥饿做出了巨大的贡献,所以他是真正的英雄。 My hero-Yuan Longping Yuan Longping is my hero because he was one of the world's greatest scientists.He received the Medal of the Republic in 2019. As a young man, he saw that many Chinese people suffered from hunger, so he dreamed of developing better rice plants. He attended college and received his degree in 1953. Then he started work. At first, over 3,000 of his experiments failed. But Yuan had a strong will.Whatever happened, he never gave up. He once said,"Every time I fall down, I'll get up and try again." Finally, he developed new kinds of rice plants, including one that produces 30% more rice than normal. He also created rice that can grow in poor soils. Yuan didn't stop there. Once again, he worked for a greater dream: rice that can be grown all over the world.He travelled abroad and gave advice about growing rice. His rice is grown in over 60 countries now. His work helped feed millions of people a year, and he gave the world victory over he was a true hero. 书籍是人类进步的阶梯。请根据提示写一篇关于书籍的作文。 (1)《汤姆索亚历险记》是我最喜欢的马克吐温写的伟大图书之一。 (2)它讲述了许多关于一个拥有许多冒险经历的男孩的故事。 (3)汤姆是这本书的主人公,他是一个聪明可爱的男孩。 (4)他不喜欢人们告诉他做什么,所以他总是处在麻烦当中。 (5)并且因为一个叫做Injun Joe的坏人正在寻找他,他拥有更多的麻烦。 (6)这本书描述了那个时候美国南部人们的生活。它讲述了年轻人怎样成长,人们如何关爱彼此,坏人怎样为他们的行为付出代价。 (7)今天,它仍然被全世界的人们喜爱和阅读,并且它被认为是最伟大的美国故事之一。 As Gorky once said, “Books are the stepping stones to human progress.” Reading books can not only open our eyes but also make us clever and happy. Today, let me tell you something about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I hope you’ll like it. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of my favorite great books written by Mark Twain. It tells many stories about a boy who has many adventures. Tom is the hero of this book. He is a clever and lovely boy. He doesn’t like people telling him what to do, so he is always in trouble. And because a bad man called Injun Joe is looking for him, he has more trouble. This book describes the life of people in the southern United States at that time. It tells how young people grow up, how people love each other, and how bad people p ... ...

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