
Lesson K Do like this 课件

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:2900118Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Magic box Let s chant Lesson k do like this 简阳市实验小学曾碧英 Revision A: Let's fly a kite B: OK. Let s go fly a kite A: Lets run B: Ok. Lets go run P: E ets talk Summer. are you readv Not vet Yes, thanks ook, Do like th oh, I see. Thanks Can I help you cloud sun Sk et sing Let s sing Fly My Kite Fly, fly, fly k te. Fly 2.2-m2a 323455432 In InIn In In Summary sun. sky, cloud 2. Summer. are you ready Not, yet 3. Do like this 9 Read in pairs Summer, are you ready Not vet Yes, thai ok. Do like th Do like this oh, I see. Thanks Can I help you star moon Let's talk Let's chant Fly My Kite Fly, fly, fly my kite Fly my nice kite Fly, fly very high, Up to the sky Summary sky, sun, moon, cloud, star 2. Are you ready Not yet 3. Do like this 4. can I help you Yes, thanks 5. Are you OK Yes. Thank you

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