2024年下学期期末考试试卷 六年级英语 考生注意:请将答策填涂或填写在答题卡上,换写在试题卷上无数,考试结束后只 交答题卡。本学科满分100分,考试时量50分钟。 Let's listen(40分) I.听录音,选单词,将正确的答案字母填涂在答题卡上。(1分×10=10分)》 ()1.A.waste B.taste (2.A.clay B.play ()3.A.theatre B.concert ()4.A.blouse B.bright ()5.A.decorate B.celebrate ()6.A.cough B.enough ()7.A.slow B.show ()8.A.could B.should ()9.A.world B.work ()10.A.talk B.take Ⅱ.听句子,找图片,将正确的答案字母填涂在答题卡上。(2分×5=10分) B C D E 1。( 2.( 3.()4.( 5.()》 皿.听对话,判断,与图片相符的涂“T”,不相符的涂“F”。(2分×5=10分) 1.() 2.( 3.() 4.()5.( V.听问句,选答语,将正确的答案字母填涂在答题卡上。(2分×5=10分) ()1.A.t's fifty yuan B.It's a box of mooncakes. (2.A.I like the ones with red beans. B.I'd like a box of cakes. (3.A.It's a good idea. B.Thank you. ()4.A.You're welcome. B.All right. (5.A.It's on 1st June. B.It's on 25th December. 六年级英语第1页1共4页 Q夸克扫描王 极速扫描,就是高效 Let's read(40分-) V.单项选择,将正确的答案字母填涂在答题卡上。《1分只10=10分) (1.Her family often breakfast at 6:45 a.m. A.have B.hǜs C.had (2.I enjoy at the moon, A.look B.looking C.looks ()3.I can't to open the present. A.waiting B.wait C.take ()4.I don't like candies.So I eat them. A.never B.often C.always (5.We should water every day. A.waste B.save C.kill ()6.-What did Anne do last week -She a storybook in English. A.wrote B.writing C.writes ()7 will be a heavy rain next Friday. A.There B.It C.They ()8.一 shall we meet -2:00 p.m at Star Theatre. A.Which B.What time C.What ()9.Her hair is than mine. A.longer B.taller C.smallest (10.There enough water on the earth. A.is B.aren't C.isn't Ⅵ.补全对话,将正确的答案字母填涂在答题卡上。(2分×5=10分) Mike:Glad to see you again,Peter. Peter: Mike: 2 A.What are you doing Peter:I'm reading a storybook. B.I learnt writing Mike:What did you do during the holidays C.Tomorrow will be clear. D.That's great! Peter: 3 E.Glad to see you too. Mike:What's the weather like tomorrow Peter: 4 Mike:Wow!5 We can have a picnic in the park. 六年级英语第2页/共4页 Q夸克扫描王 极速扫描,就是高效同
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