ID: 22155301


日期:2025-01-12 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:73次 大小:331950B 来源:二一课件通
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C.She cot the keuding role becuuse she is lueky enuugh leuming.Humants pive Al interratiun xuch a bodks.pholo ce vidane to train It.The more informacioe ir snudie,the bemar i can do is job For exmple,when you watch TV.Al is walching yuu.It'll krow D.Ahourh the shoes don't lok fthionable,they're alill uar pride 之d wha your fvorte i and tunteot similr une).Iit boopilab.Al t very gond a A文付 日.网报 aureting treaements and can even Imvere new medicines.To cut down food waste. E.Sh:aid the moot四xrep is makingele D角程 28.What does te paoage want to tell us be preptred.In citiex Al sx uned to watch out fur cara thal make black xmoke.It 3T. 38、 39. 40 Aen时 C.It's possible for angone so change D.Difiulties help develp ahiliras cnergy use. 实三部分语膏识运用《一)(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) me people worry thot Al will toke ouay a lrge nember of Jobs and also B uut ut ur ninnHu 阅下面两文,从领文后名所墙的A,B,C、D因个项巾出 The Fow Segsou.writen by the Itallan ian Amonio Vivuldi,wus fist 解填入孕白处的最传选项,井在深题卡上将该项体需 played about 300 yeurx agn.Sce has enoyed wurldwide populariy. ying car will be inode to offer an cosier way out of The great muslcal work includes fuur parts:"rlog.-Sm “7mew”.Each part bri-xlu mind tha season meent to describe,“3 anmer".fur olve the example.begins sowly Iseners ced easily picture a hot.lary xummer itay whe not力s to move.When yuu liten to"AFwW”,a harve(收铁)《elebrotion ak place the tefore and thet Li's will readily cnmemnd. Why are Al rohats made' that moming Liu was told not tu lruve his homc now.Hoche Costa u muaie director in Spain,hous deckdad sn give the old D.Ha many Al robgts are mentioned in the 1700s,The Four Seosons would be "a k dirtier if it were written now. 4.Which of tha tiitowing can he put In ward Liu's from door,he many ke they hadn't been uarered for a kng lime.He then walked Custu hs ursdabod"'the mairal wnrk to make matsh the roallries of the A.AI will he devnsored rapiah modem weefd.The -updaned"musical work has teen plyed in Mudrid,Spuin.The 1.depend too much on Al 46 you'rs the main is our killing 11 perfornee lukes place in frunt of s xcreem Ax the musictanx pl:ry,a video shnwx the influerce of climane change.such as forest fires and inusually dry wearher. ume par of y life I'm her.But I had nuw suurdb noiicr und mure 35.In the Yeu se,【wax out of tr the ciy become shorter Coota suys he expects people to feel"reully sad'aner listeniog to the produce enoush cnerg 36.Whut would the outhor write about after the log porgraph eded(被水t爱1 hang caid 气e之mdfA B The histoy of Ar .one of my old me bout it It sounded qre4绿 ”Liu C.The way to get along with Al.D.The skill of making Al robors whit-vour lusk 4 out.I dan”nk 29.What is the main theute of vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" 第二节(共4小短:每小题2分,讽分分) you were out nighr I'm pong to take you to the police A.The chgping of te sesom in ltaly. B.The history of music over the centures 根相文内 ... ...

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