2K.What's the best title for the passage the mocher will make a big breuklast nf some rlce food such as cakes,hread with 阅陆下面两地超文,从A,.C,D回个选项中,选出能填入空白处的 A.Enjoy Watching Movies in a Cinema meat or c.Then their parents will pick up the at abuut nine weluck B.Better to Wanch a Movie in a Cinem or at Home the next morning. 服性选顶,并在苦经卡上摔戏项涂需4 C.Come to My Home and Wuteh u Movie D.It's Beter to Warch a Movie than u TV Show 3.When da chiidren usually have a""pory B.On u Tuexuy anernuon. D.On a Monday night 800 years. Nick wat a下rnud(f自负的)bsy.He theught that he w the hext in 34.The birthday person will open his or her pins They are sbo delieiuus fuod on Chinese New Years Eve.They are really everything he did.Wherever he loodt,he would alwuys find cxcuses () A:after dinner l.bcfore dinner 42 in Chine.epecially in the nonh of China One Friday,Randy and Jack came to the to play bedmintor Jack C.after the party D.befure the E Dae254saly43 Chineee silver ingul《假元室】.C1 inee people nan than.Afer ebout holf an liour,Randy said like to eat dumplings. There are some iftorcstin 44 ahout them.Foe example,the mnre45 you to Jack, ave to say theyo 外) .oll山h EXCEPT(龄之 game."Their classmute Nick heard this.He laughed out lou id."Randy, B.having a good dinn that's becuue you wre really bud at the sport.I am the best of the three of ux. 2.=akln以a上4其hrenk.tton There are四 neat and Then he asked Jack if he would like to play with him.Jack xand,."Then.the 36.What's the writer's purpase(口的)aeur折n to the pussuge rwo began to play. A.To tell us how to make dinner. 3¥0U4w Jack's xurpr e.Nick said. make pnx.They finl it very4 to make dumplingsreipe fo not easy for Jack to win making dumplings: 1 can win if1aneacka(绿抗)gned ax ynur ock did f finl,mix the dough〔用) s0.He said."Let's gwnp rackeis to play agin."Unluckily foc Nick,he still loet the 第二节补全知文《共4小腺;誓小题2分,满分分) .he dough into round wrapper5(面i皮)wt恤a rollime 据刀文内客,从文后的选中这出填入空白处的最什项,州在 i(擀面杖) This time round.Niek had ro exeue.He luwered liis heud and planned to euve.Ho r to hin xying."Du mot be sod!You are a skllled 道卡上得话项涂黑。选珀中有一晚为多叠选项 plyer.too."Hearing this A there would always be somebody hetter than him. hecnme a cultural symbol If you have watched any.yo my oice the colorful 41.A.lime B.history C.bouk 29.Which sentence in Paragraph 2 shows that Niok was proud a 42.A.popular FL danpero C.wlicky In Peking Opera,perfermers une colorfu tacsl ”cun know1cre:r。like thr d3 A lok at B.kk fur C Inok like difere characier 44.A.11 B.differenes Cdixcumiut D.hobbies CI am the bem ot the threa ol i. special makmup.Let's learn some fares D honey D.Then.he asked Jack If he would like to play with him Red Is a lucky culor in China.38.In Peking Opero.red uonlly mem 45.A. 46.A_colors 30.What does the underlined wnrd su"mean in Chinen In Chineee hixbory.Guan Yu was a hemn whn was bnive 47入0 D.cool C.流择 . ... ...
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