ID: 22158640

应用文写作--感谢外教 Ryan 帮忙练口语的邮件 讲义-2025届安徽省淮北市和淮南市高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试题

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:61次 大小:22915B 来源:二一课件通
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应用文写作 假定你是李华,你校外教 Ryan 经常帮助你练习口语,请你给 Ryan老师写封电子邮件表示感谢,同时,你亲手制作了一套中国剪纸送他以表谢意。邮件内容包括: (1) 对 Ryan 老师表示感谢; (2) 介绍你即将送他的剪纸。 注意: (1) 词数80左右; (2) 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。 Dear Ryan, _____ Yours, Li Hua 一、写作提纲 第一段:表达感谢 开篇点明写邮件的目的是表达感激之情,提及外教 Ryan 长期帮助自己练习口语这一关键行为,用真诚、热情的语句描述内心的感恩,如 “I'm writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continuous assistance in my oral English practice.”,让 Ryan 老师立刻感受到诚挚谢意。 简要回顾在口语练习过程中的难忘经历,例如某次艰难的对话练习,在 Ryan 老师耐心引导下成功突破,增强情感共鸣。 第二段:介绍剪纸 引出赠送剪纸这一行为,说明剪纸在中国文化中的独特地位,如 “Chinese paper-cutting is a time-honored folk art, carrying profound cultural connotations.”,引起 Ryan 老师对这份礼物的兴趣。 详细描述即将送给他的剪纸作品内容,若是以生肖为主题,就讲述生肖背后的寓意与象征,以及制作过程中的精心构思,像挑选喜庆颜色纸张、设计灵动动物造型,展现礼物的用心与特别之处。 第三段:再次感谢与期待 再次诚挚感谢 Ryan 老师,强调他的帮助对自己英语口语提升的巨大作用,如 “Thanks to your guidance, my oral English has improved by leaps and bounds.”,让感谢之意贯穿始终。 表达期待未来继续向他学习、与他交流,以及希望他喜欢剪纸礼物的美好愿望,如 “I'm looking forward to learning more from you and sharing more cultural exchanges. I sincerely hope you'll like the paper-cutting.”,为邮件画上温暖、友好的句号。 二、语言积累 I'm writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continuous assistance in my oral English practice.(我写信是为了表达我对你一直以来帮助我练习英语口语的衷心感谢。) Your patient guidance and detailed explanations have truly been a great help, especially during those difficult conversations when I was at a loss for words.(您耐心的指导和详细的讲解真的帮了大忙,尤其是在那些我不知如何表达的艰难对话中。) Chinese paper-cutting is a time-honored folk art, carrying profound cultural connotations. It has been passed down through generations, representing the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese people.(中国剪纸是一项历史悠久的民间艺术,承载着深刻的文化内涵。它代代相传,代表着中国人民的智慧和创造力。) The paper-cutting I made for you features a vivid Chinese zodiac animal, which symbolizes good fortune and vitality in our culture. I carefully selected the bright red paper to add a festive atmosphere.(我为您制作的剪纸以一个生动的中国生肖动物为特色,在我们的文化中它象征着好运和活力。我精心挑选了大红色的纸来增添喜庆氛围。) I spent hours on this piece, meticulously cutting out each detail to make sure it was as perfect as possible, hoping it could convey my sincere appreciation.(我花了好几个小时在这件作品上,精心剪出每一个细节,以确保它尽可能完美,希望它能传达我诚挚的感激之情。) Thanks to your guidance, my oral English has improved by leaps and bounds. I can now communicate more freely and confidently than ever before.(多亏了您的指导,我的英语口语有了 ... ...

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