2024~2025学年第一学期四年级期末测试 ()2A.cm1 B.She cao plsy football C.Yes,be can. )13.A.It's in the kitcben B.They're in the kitchca.C.Same prapes are in it. 英语试卷 (14.A Yes.Some coffoe,please.B.I like oodfee C.】ve some cofTee (分议对间:60分价两分:100分) 1)15.A.316m B.They're 16. C.They're 16yuan. (尽日得:月牢门,一今朝已结来,位公一下g的子习政果吧!仔如中更。又具恶身,复 三、录音,?暑后听对话和月四政年正确答案。听说。(客更1分、共5分。) 元节写!) 第一中分听一听① 1)6 How is the5 00WE2n A.Cool B.Tall 一、开录合,根所听内各志年相应图片,听两进。(每超1分.共8分。) C.Beartiful )17.Wes do the girts hrve LA 入Secne apples B.An apple. C.A pineapple )18.Whu would Mikeke A.A sdwich. B.Some noodles C.Some sandwicbes 02A 羽 19.Wha aimals do Su Hai ad Su Yang like A.Eleptumts and lioss. B.fonkeys四d5os C.Elephants and monkeys. ()20. Whcre ae Mike's loycars A.Oo the desk. B.Behind the sof C.Behind the desk 思、xk正在进行自我介绍.请根北绿音控述,圆由正南的之项。奢助Ja止完成 自面食。所超。(答思1分,共5分.) 21. 22 A 23. 2 25 玉、J k正在介马性的新家。请根姆录音,完成短文,客单词书写在四线三产内. 听三邀.(空1分.共5分、) 二、斤录音,论邦合适的应爷句。听诏.(尽1分.共7分。) This is my now hope.It is (26) ( )9. A.Yes.I like. B.No.I don't C.Yes,lam in t:kitshea I hrrea sofa in the (28) 二.M5 toy ions are in the r 10.A.Thanks. B.Yes.please. C Greal! )】l.A.Hov tice! B.Yes.Here you are C No,thinks 二MyB0)are bebind the door llove my boe very ch 石在鑫高百Z1页(件列 位这边蓝通■2爱(片0
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