ID: 22186273

人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Discovering Useful Structures课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:83次 大小:7714616B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Discovering Useful Structures Noun Phrases Adjective Phrases Adverb Phrases Unit 1 Teenage life Phrases 短语或词组(Phrases)是具有一定意义但不构成句子或从句的一组词。 名词短语(Noun Phrases):指以一个名词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于名词。 形容词短语(Adjective Phrases):指以一个形容词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于形容词。 副词短语(Adverb Phrases):指以一个副词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于副词。 Phrases 形容词短语(Adjective Phrases) (副词)+形容词+(介词短语) 在句中当作形容词用,可以修饰名词或代词,还可以用作表语或者宾语补语。 very suitable really very confusing strong enough 组成 功能 例子 rases Let’s learn Find and mark the phrases in the sentences that fit the categories below. Then state their functions. Noun Phrase(NP) Adjective Phrase(AdjP) Adverb Phrase(AdvP) word group with a noun as its head word word group with an adjective as its head word word group with an adverb as its head word E.g. 1. The first week was a little confusing. NP AdjP 名词短语的构成规则: eg: the man in blue; a lot of work to do; the first to come; the weather here; a highway leading into the mountains a highway which leads into the mountains 结构:名词+修饰语(后置定语) 放在被修饰名词的后面的修饰语: here,there;介词短语;不定式;分词短语;定语从句 形容词短语 的构成规则: Adj P的功能: 1:副词+adj: very annoyed; quite suitable 2:adj+enough: formal enough 3:adj+介词: full of/good at/annoyed with 4:adj+and/but+adj: young but wise; long and wide 在句中当作形容词用,作定语修饰名词或代词, 还可以用做表语,状语或者宾语补足语。 eg: 1:The bridge is long and wide today! 2: I found the boy quite handsome. 3: The school bag full of books was new. 4.Afraid of difficulty, he prefers to do the easy math problems. 副词短语的构成规则: 1:副词+adv: very quickly; quite fast 2:adv+enough: well enough; quickly enough 3:adv+and+adv: again and again; Adv P:在句中当作副词用,做状语或者宾语补足语。 eg: 1: All boys run quite fast. 2.You did it well enough. 3. He finished the experiment much more creatively. 形容词短语 Adjective Phrase (AdjP) 名词短语 Noun Phrase (NP) 副词短语 Adverb Phrase (AdvP) Different kinds of phrases   (1)名词短语在句中作名词用,一般用作_____等。 (2)常见名词短语的构成形式有: 限定词十名词 如: The girl 限定词+形容词(短语)十名词 如: A beautiful girl 限定词十名词十介词短语 如: A beautiful campus of my school 限定词+描述性名词+名词 如: My school life 主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语 归纳 限定词definitive包括 冠词article(a/an/the) 指示代词demonstrative pronoun(this/that/these/those等) 物主代词possessive pronoun ( my/your/his/her/our/their等) 不定代词indefinite pronoun (some/ no/ neither/both等) 数词 numeral(one/two/first/second等) The first week was a little confusing 2. The building is so big that I'm completely lost. 3. The kids over there are putting something on a round paper plate. NP AdjP Find and mark the phrases in the sentences that fit the categories below. Then s ... ...

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