ID: 22196528

人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking课件(共21张)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:76次 大小:34173539B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking: Living Legends Who is your favorite athlete? A legend is a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people. alive world-wide athletes Lang Ping Volleyball Michael Jordan America Basketball China My favourite world-wide athletes Living Legends Focal Task What qualities do living legends have Living Legends (P38) Lead paragraph引领段 picture title subtitle小标题 additional information补充信息 Look at the titles and pictures. 1. Where do you think the text is probably taken from A. tour brochure B. A story book C. A sports magazine D. A science report 2. What do you think the text is about body Predictions Great sports people (lead paragraph引领段) Living legends of sports are _____ who are _____ in their sports and also_____. masters athletes set good examples for others What are the standards of living legends of sports (lead paragraph引领段) Lang Ping Michael Jordan The first two choices of “Living legends of sports” are_____. Living Legends-part 1 Reading Lang Ping _____was tested In 2015 Two weeks later In 2016 World Cup her determination They were_____ world champions Lang Ping led her volleyball team to _____ in Brazil Olympic gold The team _____ 1) one of the best players_____ 2) the team captain _____( with heart problems) big challenge Read the passage and fill in the blanks lost heart worked together had been injured had to leave (solution: not _____ _+players _____) was falling apart time order experiences ① ② ③ a coach a player a person , she _____ _____to her country As experiences brought honour and glory , she ____ the China women's volleyball team _____at the world _____ and the Olympics As led to medals championships , she _____ by fans_____ is loved at home and abroad As achievements parallel sentences As a player, As a coach, As a person, ` 1. What has Lang Ping achieved in her field she brought honor and glory to her country. she led China women’s volleyball to medals at world championshiops and the Olympics. she is loved by fans at home and abroad. Lang Ping is a _____ in volleyball. Master ` 2. What difficulty did Lang Ping meet in the 2015 World Cup Her determination was tested and the team was falling apart. She lost two important players. Difficulty ` 3. How did Lang Ping deal with the difficulty She didn’t lose heart. She faced difficulties before. She knew that they could win if they worked together. How Michael Jordan Living Legends-part 2 Reading 3, What are the examples for both aspects For skills: For metal strength: the secret to his success is _____ II.Read text on the right & answer the questions Michael Jordan 2.How could he achieve that . He changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. 1. What's the achievement of Michael Jordan His skills were impressive. The mental strength made him unique. his graceful moves and jumps learning from his failures ( ... ...

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