202A-2025学年上学期期床所量检测 分评卷人 二、听录音,判断下列阳片与你所所到的内客是否相符,和答的在田 片下的括号内打"V加,不符的打”×”。每小臣读两流。(布小题2 三年级英语 分,共10分) 盛烈 听力台分 丛 匿号 6 六 分 ” 三 五 和分 1 5. 听力部分(五大5,共0分) 得分详达人 三、听没曾,选出你听到的白子,并将其标号旗入恶狗括号内。每小 球丙追。(每小思2分,共0分》 得分 汗浓人 一、录音德出与录音祖特的困片。并格其标子填入题前括号为0 )1.A.Gosd aftecnooa,I'm Ms SmurL B.Good moomsing,s Smart. 面小两读两调。(每小写2分共10分) )2.A.Whot's this B.万hnl'shal )3.A.How minF coloans B.Howy心∞? A.A.Wc'nhappym出y B.We huve u good day. )5.h.Carze bock,Bebol B.Cooe an.boys and gidls! 符粉老人 四、听录音,给下列四片排序,铝序号写在西片下西的括号二。每小 烈读两边进。(年小题2分,共10分) 2. )3. B D 1.( 2.( )3( 4.( 5.( 盼浮农人 五、听选芒倍。叔超你所到的句予选择正确的苦语,并将其标号填 )4 入延馆括号内。每小姬装丙姐。(何小题2分,共10分) )】.A.My niue is Cherclin. B.She ix Searnin. )2.A.Yes,io.Teank you. B.Two. )3.A.Tais is my mother. B.That is my grandpa. )4.A.o ruler. B.It's in the box. 三平双买语纳1π《共4) )s.A.i的little brother. B,Hei记in the lirins近. 三午放英断第2页(共4牙) 笃试都分(大区,共50分》 )3.Let's take a pheto together. )4.A:Mum,this card is for you,thank yoa for your love and cans. 符分齐花人 六、生话中有夜$含字母的块志,清带下到棕志中字母的小写彩式多 B:Teaank yout bby. 在四线三然中。(每小题2分,共I0分) )5.A:Wbere is thu cal B:业's in the box wit汕he liue babies. 袋分评地人 九、冷全对话。从方枉中透年合花的句子将对话补充竞壁,使对证 的意思速贯、完发。将其字母极号填在闵战上。(年小燃2分,共 EXIT TOP ARDNO 10分) Hashaa:Hi,Ximtia.Whal's this Ximcin:1. Hunbus:Wow!It's bexutifal! A.1ka'g上nam. Xinxin:Guess!2. B.It's a Chinese knot. 七、小松叙迎的历凤被大风吹倒了,它的好明友小装子正巧未战 Ifoahoa:Two Six 3. C.OK. 纸分评举人 它玩,法向子,用位字15给它们的对话排序。(华小题2分, Xicxin:Look!Ouly oos repel D.How do you moko it 共0分) Huabu:That's wouixgl 4. B.Hov masy rop 》Bat Ican'toit Xinrin:Let me sbow yoe. )Thank you.Let's do it now. Hunba:5. 、'8gaL )No hooo for me. 符分评徐人 Wo are frienda.Lot me belp yoo. 十、阅决逆文,判所下列0子是云正的,正角的在的活子内写“T”, )Dta't wor-y Qigi.Yoa can mrke a non homso. 禁议的国”。(每小遮2分,共10分》 elo,neas.I Linging】'=ae【kt my lamlly pboto么.Tois ie my dad. 科分 评公人 八、给句子或对话选择合近的田片,将其学母标号填在马修的括号 Ho is in the kichet.He in cooking.Thic is my mum.i in the living roo.She kres 厘。(每小恶2分,共10分) the mn.That is my brothar.Be is in the living room,too He i ooly four yeas ald.Ho likeo to Look!There i n dos under the cluir.I'6 Lucky.Whbero is me I'ut helping e y fueer in the2h ,e'huppy fimily! ()l.Tingling is 8 yu3cda. ( )2.Lingling's dud is in the kitchon. 5 B D )3.Lngling's beother loves tho wan. )1.A:How maoy carems )4.Lucky is under the chair. B:Eighe. )5.Lingling is ot in tho pholo. )2.Th的pple is城and rod. 三空级类语第4页(共4) 三年级类所效3觉(共4筑) ... ...
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