ID: 22232391


日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:55次 大小:3421387B 来源:二一课件通
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2024学年第一学期六年级期末评估检测 英 语 (时间:60分钟) 听力部分(30分) 一、Listen and choose..听句子,选出你所听到的单词。(8分) ( )1.A.swimming B.singing )2.A.wait B.stop ( )3.A.bookstore B.factory )4.A.see a film B.take a trip )5.A.count B.tonight )6.A.hiking B.crossing ) )8.A.afraid B.angry 二、Listen and choose. 听对话,选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。(6分) )9.A. B )10.A O■E SCHOOL BUS )11.A B )12.A )13.A B )14.A. 三、Listen and choose..听问句,选出合适的答语。(6分) )15.A.Yes,he is. B.No,she isn't. ()16.A.She is a reporter. B.She works at sea. ()17.A.He goes by subway. B.He works very hard. )18.A.She's going to Alaska. B.She's going next Sunday. ()19.A.My baby brother is ill. B.I have a baby brother. )20.A.Yes,he loves hiking B.No,he goes hiking every weekend. 四、Listen and choose,听独白或对话,根据内容选出正确的答案。(10分) (一)听独白,完成第21-22小题。 ()21.What is Amy's hobby A.Listening to music. B.Reading storybooks. ()22.Why does Amy feel so happy A.Because her cousin will come.B.Because she will go to Taizhou J六年级英语期末评估检测第1页共6页 (二)听长对话,完成第23-25小题。 ()23.What is Amy going to buy A.Word books. B.Science books. )24.Where is the bookstore A.It's next to the park. B.It's near the cinema. )25.When are they going to the bookstore A.This afternoon. B.Tomorrow afternoon. 笔试部分(70分) 五、Read and choose..读一读,选出划线部分中发音不相同的选项。(5分) ( )26.A.bread B.head C.sea ()27.A.fork B.homework )28.A.slow B.snow C.down ( )29.A.go0d C.afternoon ( )30.A.shy B.angry C.happy 六、Read and choose.读一读,选出不同类的选项。(5分) ( )31.A.traffic C.train )32.A.worried C.sad ) B.count C.visit )34.A.postman office C.fisherman )35.A.reading B.singing C.interesting 七、Read and choose..读一读,选择最佳答案。(5分) ()36.-There is Italian restaurant near here. 一Yum!I like pizza. A.a C.the )37.We must at a red light. A.go B.slow down C.stop and wait )38.My father is a.He teaches football in our school gym. B.pilot )39.-Does Oliver like swimming He also likes running A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesn't.C.Good idea ()40.-We are going to take a trip to China! A.Have a good time!B.Thank you! C.That's good exercise! J六年级英语期末评估检测第2页共6页

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