ID: 22233192

2025届高中英语二轮复习练习:四选一阅读 导学案(含解析,共16份)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:36次 大小:2774735B 来源:二一课件通
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    专题强化练 作业1 学习考试信息类应用文 应用文阅读文体解读 应用文四选一阅读包括通知、广告、便条、申请书、个人简介、商品说明与介绍、新闻报道等,形式多样,题材各异(如图示、表格等),措辞简洁明了,其目的是向读者传达信息。主要具有以下特点: 选材 信息量大,语句精炼,形式灵活,用最少的篇幅传达最大量的信息。 内容 生活化,实用化,多样化。如产品宣传、服务介绍、通知、海报、启事等。 形式 标题醒目,重点突出,条理清晰,常用黑体字或各类题目符号使文章结构更加鲜明。 语言 人名、地名、专有名词多;生词多;缩略词、祈使句、省略句多;结构不完整。 命题 其命题角度主要考查考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,既注重特定细节的筛选、类比、综合,又注重推理判断题的考查,题目设置相对容易。 应用文阅读解题技法 (每小题2.5分,满分22.5分) A (2022·新课标Ⅰ) Grading Policies for Introduction to Literature Grading ①Scale 90-100,A; 80-89,B; 70-79,C; 60-69,D; Below 60,E. Essays(60%) Your four major essays will combine to form the main part of the grade for this course: Essay 1=10%; Essay 2=15%; Essay 3=15%; Essay 4=20%. Group ②Assignments(30%) Students will work in groups to complete four assignments during the course.All the assignments will be submitted by the assigned date through Blackboard,our online learning and course management system. Daily Work/In-Class Writings and Tests/Group Work/Homework(10%) Class activities will vary from day to day,but students must be ready to complete short in-class writings or tests drawn directly from assigned readings or notes from the previous class’ lecture/discussion,so it is important to take careful notes during class. ③Additionally,from time to time I will assign group work to be completed in class or short assignments to be completed at home,both of which will be graded. Late Work An essay not submitted in class on the ④due date will lose a letter grade for each class period it is late.If it is not turned in by the 4th day after the due date,it will earn a zero.Daily assignments not completed during class will get a zero.Short writings missed as a result of an excused absence will be accepted. 1.Where is this text probably taken from A.A textbook. B.An exam paper. C.A course plan. D.An academic article. 语境猜词 ①scale熟义:n.规模 生义(文义):n._____ ②assignment(派)=assign+ment _____ ③additionally(派)=additional+ly_____ ④due date_____ 2.How many parts is a student’s final grade made up of A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. 3.What will happen if you submit an essay one week after the due date A.You will receive a zero. B.You will lose a letter grade. C.You will be given a test. D.You will have to rewrite it. B (2020·新课标Ⅰ) POETRY CHALLENGE Write a poem about how courage,determination,and strength have helped you face challenges in your life. Prizes 3 Grand Prizes:Trip to Washington,D.C.for each of three winners,a parent and one other person of the winner’s choice.Trip includes ①round-trip air tickets,hotel stay for two nights,and tours of the National Air and Space Museum and the office of Nati ... ...

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