ID: 22262662


日期:2025-02-01 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:19次 大小:25261B 来源:二一课件通
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2025中考复习热门话题作文以及常用句型 热门话题一:绿色环保 1. 开篇点题: In order to create a more livable and sustainable environment, I am writing this proposal to call on everyone to join hands in building a green city.(为了营造更宜居、可持续的环境,我写此倡议,呼吁大家携手共建绿色城市。) 2. 强调重要性: A green city not only improves our living quality but also plays a crucial role in safeguarding the ecological balance for future generations.(绿色城市不仅提升我们的生活质量,对为子孙后代维护生态平衡也至关重要。) 3. 提出行动建议: Firstly, we should actively participate in tree - planting activities, as trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making the air cleaner.(首先,我们应积极参与植树活动,因为树木能吸收二氧化碳、释放氧气,让空气更清新。) 4. 倡导日常环保: It is highly recommended that we reduce the use of disposable items in our daily lives, such as plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, which can greatly cut down on waste.(强烈建议我们在日常生活中减少使用一次性物品,如塑料袋和一次性筷子,这能大幅减少垃圾。) 5. 呼吁参与: Let's take immediate action and contribute our part to the construction of a green city. Every small effort counts!(让我们立即行动起来,为绿色城市建设贡献自己的力量。每一份微小的努力都意义重大! ) 热门话题二:读书与学习 1. 开篇引入 1) Since I was young, reading has been an inseparable part of my life, like a lamp lighting up my journey of growth.(从小,阅读就是我生活中不可分割的一部分,就像一盏灯照亮我成长的旅程。) 2)Reading is not just a pastime for me; it's a lifelong companion that has accompanied me through every stage of my growth. (阅读对我来说不仅仅是一种消遣,它是一生的伙伴,陪伴我度过成长的每个阶段。) 2. 阐述阅读的好处 1)Through reading, I have broadened my horizons and been exposed to a diverse range of knowledge.(通过阅读,我拓宽了视野,接触到了从宇宙奥秘到人类情感细微之处的广泛知识。) 2)Reading enriches my vocabulary and improves my writing skills, allowing me to express my thoughts and feelings more precisely.(阅读丰富了我的词汇量,提高了我的写作技巧,让我能更准确地表达自己的想法和感受。) 3. 讲述阅读经历 1)When I first read…, I was deeply attracted by its fascinating plot and vivid characters, which opened a whole new world for me.(当我第一次读…时,就被它引人入胜的情节和生动的人物深深吸引,为我打开了一个全新的世界。) 2)In those lonely days, books became my best friends.在那些孤独的日子里,书籍成了我最好的朋友。 4. 表达阅读对自己的影响 1)Thanks to reading, I have learned to think independently and critically, which helps me make wiser decisions in life.(多亏了阅读,我学会了独立和批判性思考,这帮助我在生活中做出更明智的决定。) 2)Reading has cultivated my patience and concentration, enabling me to focus better on my studies and other tasks.(阅读培养了我的耐心和专注力,让我能更好地专注于学习和其他任务。) 5. 结尾总结 1)In short, reading will always be my trusted partner, and I believe it will continue to shape my growth and bring more surprises and joys in the futu ... ...

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